Chapter 7

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It's one thing to learn that your sister is married to a vampire. It's another to find that she slept with one and was now carrying a "demon" baby.
Carlisle explained to me that the baby was growing at an enormous rate and he didn't know how that would affect Bella. After explaining all this to me the only question I had on my mind was would she survive this? Carlisle didn't have a sure answer. He said that he could turn her at the last moment, but as the baby grew more and more that solution was beginning to fade. And the thought of losing my sister was becoming more clear in my mind.
Jasper did his best to comfort me and I did my best to comfort my pregnant dying sister. But as the days grew into weeks I almost felt as miserable as my sister.
I needed something to keep my mind off the idea of losing my sister so when Jasper offered to take me out I happily agreed. Only problem was what Alice had dressed me in. She and Rosalie thought that a small black lace sleeved dress was perfect for this date. And Rose didn't hesitate when she pinned up my hair with my blue jewel pin from Bella's wedding.
   "Prefect! He'll love it!" Alice beamed. I sighed and looked at myself in mirror.
    "You really think so?" Rose put her hands on my shoulder. "He'd be crazy not to Avery. Your beautiful". She grinned. I smiled at them and let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding back.
"Oh Jasper your dates ready!" Alice shouted. The door to Alice room opened and Jasper entered. His eyes instantly went to me and he gasped. Alice winked at me. "Of course he's speechless. Looks like my works done here". Alice beamed grabbing Rose. They shut the door behind them leaving them just leaving me and Jasper alone.
    "Is it too much? I can change -" Jasper cut me off by kissing me. I kissed him back  and I found my hands running along his back. He broke away and smiled.
    "Your look stunning Avery". Jasper replied as he leaned in to kiss me again.
It took us a little bit to stop kissing each other but we eventually did stop. Jasper being the gentle men that he was carried me to the car and laid me into the passenger seat. Then he got in and we drove away.
  Alice nor Rose told me where Jasper was taking me and trying to get Jasper to talk was not an option. As we arrived closer to an area that I recognized he stopped the car and helped me out.
    "This is the meadow that Edward and Bella always came to!" Jasper grinned and laced his fingers with mine. He led me into the meadow and I gasped at what I saw. A path of white lilies lead the way to a blanket spread out on the bed of grass with a small picnic basket. I looked back at him and smiled. "You did all this? For me?" He brought his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Jasper I don't know what to say!" He smiled just as a soft  tune filled the air.
    "Dance with me Avery Swan". He placed a hand on my back and pulled me closer to him. Closing the gap between us. "You know I suck at dancing".
"You just need practice. Let me teach you ma'am". I sighed knowing that I could say no. He smiled as he pushed me away from him then at the last minute twirled me into his chest. I looked up at him as he brushed some red hair out of my face. "Jasper-" he smirked and I couldn't help but fear what was coming next. He leaned me back grabbing onto my hip then twirled me again. Only this time as I was pulled back into chest his hand was holding my knee up as well. He grinned and kissed me. I kissed him back and then he kissed my neck. I bit my lip and I could feel the electric shot that I felt the first time I saw him rush through my body. "Jasper I-" he broke away and smiled. "I know". I sighed and walked over to the blanket and sat down. He sat down beside me and I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Yes Avery". He answered. I sat up to face him. "Can I ask you something?"
  "Anything!" He answered me.
"Edward told me that Alice saw me and you together even before I came here. I'm just wondering how that is even possible?"
"Alice has visions of what could happen in the future. Even before Bella came she could see Edward and Bella together". He replied.
"But Edward didn't know her and you didn't know me!"
"That may be, but the bond between mates is stronger then anything. Alice could sense that Bella was Edwards mate from the day she was born and the same with you. She saw you both growing into beautiful women who would capture our hearts with a single glance". He explained to me. I was his mate? I shook his head and blushed deeply. This seemed so unreal to me and yet it was real.
    "Does that I am your mate?" I questioned him. "Yes Avery Swan you are". He whispered. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I smiled. This is were I felt safe. This is were I felt true love. With Jasper Cullen. He made me feel alive again and I couldn't be happier.

Yes I know there's not a lot of pregnant Bella scenes, but I kinda wanted to focus more on Avery and Jaspers relationship and most of the time they are off by themselves or just together in the Cullens house. Also you will be seeing more of the Cullens interacting with Avery in book two. I can promise you that.

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