Chapter 6

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Waking up the next morning felt different. In fact it was different. I had gotten myself a boyfriend, but only problem my boyfriend was not human nor was he alive. I wanted to tell dad so badly that me and Jasper were together, Charlie had gone to spend a few days with Sue and I don't want to cut his time with her short. So I figured that I'd tell him when he got back.
Once I finally got out of bed. I twisted my hair into a side braid and pulled on an old automobile shirt from Bella's dresser and some old blue jeans.
    "Avery". I snapped around almost tripping over Bella's old bed to see Jasper standing near the window.
    "How in the name of-" He rushed over to me and embraced me. He then kissed me. Then I broke away. "What was that for Jasper?"
"Jacobs here". He growled. I stepped away from him and ran downstairs. Sure enough Jasper was right. Standing in my front yard was a red car and a shirtless Jacob Black. He grinned at me as I walked over to him with Jasper's hand in mine. As Jacob saw this his smile began to fade.
    "So I see that the Cullen's have brain washed another human into their little family". Jacob growled.
"Jacob I-"
"Avery I thought you were smarter then your sister! God your so stupid! How can you trust him after what he almost did to Bella?!" Jacob grabbed my arm. Jasper moved in.
    "Let her go!" He ordered. "Now!" I pulled my arm free from Jacobs grasp.
    "He's changed Jacob!". I shouted back at him. "He's really trying now and you're not giving him the benefit of the doubt!" Jacob rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Oh he's changed?! What bull crap. "Don't you see?! He's brain washing you! He's a disgusting leech who-" I slapped Jacob across the face. I could feel the smile grow across Jasper's lips. "Avery-"
    "What Bella ever saw in you I'll never understand".
"Avery I'm sorry".
"Go home Jacob and if you ever cared about me then you'll never bother me again!" I cried out walking away. Jasper put his arm around my waist as we walked back into Charlie's house. I went into my room and Jasper watched as tears of pain and angry rolled down my cheeks. Jasper pulled me into his chest and I just fell apart in his arms.
An hour of lying in Jasper's arms had made the pain go away. Jacob had hurt Bella in this way and I knew that she had suffered too. Jacob was my oldest friend why couldn't he just be happy for me and move on? I opened my eyes to find Jasper standing over me.
     "What's wrong?" Jasper pulled me up. "It's Bella. She's back home and something's wrong".

Bella pregnant time is coming up next

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