Chapter 10

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I shot up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom. Grabbing a cold cloth from under the sink I washed the sweat and heat from my face. I then turned the water on and took a shower.
Within a few minutes after my shower I was beginning to calm down a bit. But it still puzzled me just who were those figures and what did they want with me anyway? I wasn't anything special. I was just an ordinary human girl dating a vampire. Okay scratch that last part, but even still what would they want from me? I shook the thoughts out of my head and walked downstairs. I pulled on my flats then opened the door. Jasper smiled at me as I walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around my back and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Alice saw your dream". I pulled away from Jasper and looked into his eyes. They were upset almost disappointed. I brought my hands up to his cheek.
  "Hey it's okay. It was just a dream right? Nothing bad like that is going to happen". I reassured him. Jasper sighed and growled. Then he pulled me into his car. As we drove towards the Cullen house I noticed that his expression had changed. He was tense and pissed off about something, but what exactly it was I didn't know. Driving up to their home Jasper picked me up from inside the car and carried me inside. He set me down on their couch as a young girl about 8 or 9 ran into my arms. "Aunt Avery!"she beamed. Bella and Edward followed her towards me and smiled.
    "Renemsee look at how you've grown. My goodness you used to be so small!" I replied. Bella sat down beside me. "She'll soon be fully grown". Bella told me. I nodded. Edward picked up Renemsee from my grasp and exited the room.
   "Avery you remember the Volturi from Italy?" Bella asked me. I nodded my head as she grabbed my hand. "Well there coming for Renemsee".
   "WHAT?! Why? What's wrong with Renemsee?" I shouted. Bella shook her head. "They believe she's an immortal child". I remember Carlisle telling me stories of these beautiful, but deadly creations that were young children frozen in time. They were so beautiful that their creators wouldn't destroy them so the Volturi came after them for their crimes. They would burn the children alive and their creators to stop them from doing it again.
   "But Renesmee grows everyday and you gave birth to her!" I stated. Bella nodded. "I know and once the Volturi have a thought set in their mind it's not easy to change. We have to go to war with the Volturi".

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