Chapter 16: 280 Days Before

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Time passed much too quickly for Addie's liking, and before she knew it, the night she was dreading came to pass. It was the night Fred and twelve others would go to Privet Drive to save Harry, and Addie was terrified he wouldn't come back. Her stomach had been in knots all day, and she felt nauseous as she apparated to the Burrow that evening to say her goodbyes.

They had all convened around the kitchen table, staying almost completely silent. Everyone was too preoccupied with their own worries about the plan that night to start a conversation. Arthur hadn't released his wife's hand since they had sat down at the table, seeming to need a constant connection to the woman he loved. "Oh Arthur, it'll be alright," Molly told him for the hundredth time that night, patting their clasped hands. "Alastor knows what he's doing. Everything will go according to plan."

Arthur's grimaced. "I sure hope so." He looked over at his sons, who would be joining him that night, his expression growing grimmer by the second.

Bill and Fleur were glued together much like Molly and Arthur. Bill's arm had been wrapped around Fleur's waist all night, and the two sat whispering reassurances in each other's ears. "When we all get through this, the wedding will be a great way to celebrate," Bill said to the group, trying to cheer everyone up.

Molly gave a half-hearted smile to her son. "Of course it will, Bill."

The group lapsed into silence once more. Fred was seated beside Addie, his usual laughing expression gone once more. His eyes were focused on the table cloth, his mind appearing to be far from the present. Smoothly, without anyone noticed, he reached over, clutching Addie's hand in his own and giving it a small squeeze while keeping his gaze forward. She squeezed back, keeping a firm hold on his hand.

Arthur looked down at his watch. "I told Moody we'd meet him at eleven. I think its best if we head out now." The group stood up silently, heading out the door to say their goodbyes in the yard.

"You be safe, all right?" Molly told her husband, gripping his hand fiercely. Arthur nodded before swooping in deftly to kiss his wife. They stayed locked together just long enough to make their children slightly uncomfortable. Mrs. Weasley looked quite flustered when Arthur finally released her.

"I love you," Arthur told his wife.

Molly wiped away a tear. "I love you too, dear." She turned to hug the rest of her children, and Hermione as well.

And then it was Addie's turn to say goodbye. She was surprised when Arthur stepped forward to give her a hug in goodbye, but she appreciated it none the less. And then she looked to the twins, not knowing where to begin.

"Come here," George said, opening up his arms, and Addie gladly stepped into them, hugging him tight. "If I don't come back," George whispered in her hear as they hugged. "Can you please tell Charlotte what happened to me?"

"Of course I will," Addie whispered back.

Addie reluctantly released him, and then turned to Fred, tears pricking at her eyes with just the sight of him. "Don't worry I'm coming back," Fred told her.

"You better," Addie told him, trying to smile but it quickly faltered. She opened her arms to hug him as well, but Fred had other plans. Before Addie had time to register what was happening, his lips were crashing on top of hers, warm and soft and desperate. His hands tangled in her hair, and Addie found her own entwining around him as well, bringing him closer to her as she kissed him back with just as much desperation. There was a small part of her that was aware of the others standing around them, but it seemed unimportant in that moment. She kissed him back with everything she had, hoping that this wouldn't be the last kiss, but putting everything she had into it, just in case.

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