Chapter 48: 104 Days Before

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When Addie opened her eyes the next morning, she was confused. The sun was too bright, and coming through a window that was much larger than the one in her bedroom. Her bed felt different: her pillows too fluffy, the mattress too soft, the sheet covering her too silky. And then there was the fact that she was missing a significant amount of clothing.

And that she wasn't alone.

The memory of the night before came rushing back.

Addie rolled over, almost in disbelief, as she realized that there was a boy sleeping next to her. Fred's hair was sticking up in every direction, his freckled face peaceful as he slept. His bare shoulders peeked out from under the covers, and Addie leaned over and kissed one, causing him to stir. His eyes blinked open, and a smile spread across his face as he saw her.

"Mornin'" he mumbled sleepily. He reached over, draping an arm over Addie and pulling her closer.

"Good morning," Addie said. "Sleep good?"

"Best sleep of my life," he said. "That was quite the night."

"It was," Addie said, leaning forward to kiss him. She winced. Fred's eyebrows furrowed in a silent question. "Morning breath," she explained.

Fred pressed his lips shut and crawled out of bed, searching the ground for his clothes. When he found something of Addie's he tossed it to her. Her crumpled dress hit her in the face and she grabbed it, wadded it up, and threw it back at him. She let out a satisfied laugh when it hit him in head.

Fred threw it back to her, and then disappeared into the bathroom before she could retaliate again.

Addie sighed and rolled over, not ready to get up just yet. She knew that when she did, they would have to leave, and she wasn't ready for that yet. She loved being away, being able to focus on just the two of them, with no other worries. She knew it wasn't reality, that there were more than enough problems waiting for her back home, but she wasn't ready to face them yet.

She curled up in bed, closing her eyes, and enjoying the comfort of the bed. She was just slipping back into a light sleep when she felt the bed shift as Fred crawled back into it. Addie opened her eyes enough to see that he was sprawled out beside her, still shirtless.

"You're beautiful," Fred said quietly.

"You can't say that when I'm half asleep and my hair is an absolute disaster," she mumbled, but she was blushing even as she said it.

"Yes I can," Fred said, reaching out and attempting to tame the wild mess that was her hair. "That doesn't change a thing."

They lay there, enjoying the sun that warmed them.

"You planned for all of this to happen, didn't you?" Addie asked, propping herself up on her elbow so she could see his expression.

"Which part?" Fred asked cheekily.

"You know exactly which part," Addie said. "This." She gestured at the hotel room around them.

"No, I didn't plan it." Addie raised her eyebrows in doubt. "I can't say that I didn't hope it would happen," he added cheekily.

Addie laughed. "How are we going to explain why we're back a day later than we thought?"

"We'll figure something out."

"Your mum's going to kill us."

"Nah, she'll spare you. But I'm definitely dead."


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