Chapter 43: 127 Days Before

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Protective spells had been cast in a hurry, everyone within the house doing their part to build the magical barrier that surrounded the property. Addie hoped it would be enough to keep Thomas, and whoever he brought with him, out.

Molly, Arthur, and Ginny had left, so as not to be caught with them. If they were seen with Addie and Fred, it would give the Aurors a perfect excuse to invade the Burrow. Addie and Fred had insisted that Charlotte and George go with them. If things went badly, Addie didn't want there to be any more casualties than there needed to be. They had gone reluctantly, and so Addie and Fred were left alone.

Dawn was breaking, the rising sun setting the snowy hills in an orange glow, as Addie stood outside. She waited just inside the barrier, her eyes constantly glancing downward to check that she was behind the line that had been drawn in the ground, showing where the barrier would end. If she stepped outside of it, she would be defenseless.

It was there, at the edge of the property, that she waited for Thomas.

Only this time she wasn't alone. Fred stood beside her, his hand in hers, his eyes scanning the countryside for any hint of movement. "You sure you're ready to face him again?" Fred asked.

Addie nodded. "I'm ready."

Hours seemed to pass, although Addie knew it was only minutes. Every muscle in her body was tense, her mind racing as she tried to think of what Thomas might do. How he might get through the barriers. She knew if anyone could, it would be him. He was one of the brightest wizards she knew, and unfortunately, you didn't have to be good to be brilliant.

Fred's hand squeezed hers, and she glanced up, following his gaze to the field across the road. A lone figure had appeared and was making long, even strides towards them. He was wearing a black cloak, the hood pulled low over his face. Addie could see the gleam of the silver skull mask as the sun reflected off of it. He kept walking until he stood right in front of them, and then stopped. His icy eyes scanned Addie and then focused on her and Fred's entwined hands. His mouth curled up in a snarl. "I see you two have been reunited," he said flatly.

Addie didn't bother responding. Her chest was tight as she looked at Thomas, and she felt as if her lungs would collapse under the pressure. Thomas's eyes were cold but steady, his every movement controlled. He fully believed he had the power in this situation, she could see it in his stance. It terrified her. If Thomas was confident, it meant he probably should be.

"We have," Fred said, when Addie didn't respond. "It was nice of you to come check on us."

Thomas's eyes narrowed. "That's not why I'm here. I want my wand back."

Addie finally found her voice. "I can't give it to you."

"Trust me, you want to give it back to me."

"I don't think I do," she said simply.

He laughed, a short, harsh burst of sound that didn't contain the least bit of amusement. "You're not making this easy on yourself. If you don't give me my wand back, I will tear this house down to find it and I will kill anyone who gets in my way. And when I'm done, this place will be nothing but a pile of ash. Do you really want to risk everyone's lives just to be stubborn? If you give it to me, I'll go."

Addie raised her eyebrows. "You'll leave? You won't cause any more trouble?"

"I'll leave. Do we have a deal?"


Thomas's eyes flew wide, and he raised a hand, as if to reach out and grab Addie. But the magical barrier protected her, and his arm bounced off. "Give it to me."

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