Chapter 31: 175 Days Before

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I know you were in contact with Charlotte. I am demanding you tell us what happened to her after she left with you. If you have hurt her in any way, I promise you will pay.


Addie folded the letter hastily, tying it to Trixie's leg. As she did so she petted the bird, feeding her a treat."Take this directly to Thomas Wright, as fast as you can," she told the small owl. "And make sure you give him a couple harsh bites when you find him."

The owl flew off, and Addie watched it climb high in the sky, hoping that Charlotte would still be okay by the time the owl reached him. Addie's whole body seemed to boil with rage every time she thought about Thomas luring Charlotte away form safety. George had been pacing since he heard the news, only stopping to ask Addie yet another question about Thomas.

"Why would he want to take her away?"

"Do you think he let her go?"

"If he didn't let her go, where could he possibly be keeping her?"

"He wouldn't hurt her, would he?"

For most of George's questions, Addie didn't have an answer, and she knew that her lack of answers was only driving George's anger and frustration. But for his last question, she finally had a response. "I don't think he'd hurt her," she said, a little hesitantly. "He has no reason to."

This had only angered Fred. "You believe that?" he asked, standing up suddenly from where had been sitting by the fire.

"I do," Addie said, somewhat more confidently.

Fred shook his head. "You also didn't think he'd become a Death Eater. Or that he'd try to kill you, or did you forget about that?"

Addie reared back in shock at the anger in his voice. "Of course I didn't! But he also could have killed both of us at the Ministry, and he didn't!"

Fred's eyebrows rose into his hairline. "You're defending him?"

"No, I'm not! I'm just trying to stay hopeful! Because if he didn't kill us then, I can stay hopeful that he's done nothing to her now. I used to know him once, and I know he's changed, but I have to believe he hasn't changed enough that he would hurt an innocent girl."

"Why would he take her at all?" George questioned. "What could he possibly want with Charlotte?"

"He knew she was connected to us," Addie said. "He knew that we would know she was missing and try to find her. This probably has something to do with me."

Fred nodded solemnly, and George bit his lip in worry. All three of them lapsed into silence.

"I guess we'll know for sure when we get an answer," George finally said.


They got their response only hours later.

My Dearest Addie,

I don't know what you said to your owl, but she has bitten me four times in the process of writing this letter, which is why there are blood stains on the paper. I have Charlotte by my side as we speak. I promise she is alive and healthy. I will gladly return her to George for one small price. All I ask is that when I bring her to you, you come with me in her place. I promise no harm will come to you or to Charlotte.

If you agree to these terms, I will meet you behind the Shrieking Shack at 4:00AM on November the 10th. If you inform the Order, I will make Charlotte pay.

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