Chapter 20 ~Not Right~

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        Becca's eyes widened when she saw it was Singh. But when she wanted to run to him and hug him, it was almost like her body refused to go any closer to him. Almost like she should be scared of him. But why should she be scared?

            She dropped the bag she was holding and slowly walked towards him. She smiled and when she took a step closer and was about to hug him, Singh did something Becca knew he would never do to her. He hissed at her.

          Becca stopped and frowned. He never hissed at her. "Singh?" She said and took a step forward but it only got a louder hiss from him. She titled her head and looked at him confused. "Singh? What's the matter with you? It's me." Singh growled and started to slowly walked closer to her but Becca realized how he was walking. He was stalking her. "Singh?" She said as she was taking backwards steps. But as Singh walked closer to her, his growling became louder and his teeth bared at her.

         But when Becca took one more step back, her back hit a tree. Shit.

           Singh growled louder but before Becca could escape from being cornered, she was thrown to the ground. She groaned and saw Singh on top of her with his face only a inch away. But when Becca saw that he was opening his mouth she knew what he was doing and for the first time, fear shot through her body.
           "Singh? It's me." But when she saw his second set of jaws becoming visible she gasped in fear and pushed her back closer into the ground just in time when his secondary set of jaws came out and was now opened in front of her face. Becca's eyes went wide and she moved her face as far as she could away from it but in the second it came out, it was gone. Singh quickly got off of her and when she was able to move she quickly backed away, her breathing becoming quicker every second.

           Singh didn't know why he got off of her. He was supposed to kill her   but it was almost like something was turned off. Why did she call her Singh and why did it almost seem like he cared about her? She's a human and he was told she wanted to kill him. But then she would have tried to kill him when she saw him, not hug him. But when he looked at her, her eyes filled with fear and her body backing further away from him, it almost felt hurt. He hissed and shook his head not understanding nothing right now. So instead of going towards the girl, he just ran away.

          But when Becca saw Singh run away, she knew something was really wrong. And she was going to figure it out. But she already knew one thing about it. That it involved Roger.

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