Chapter 25 ~Never Looking Back~

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          Singh ran through the forest for what seemed like the whole day til he stopped when he saw he was in a unknown part of the forest. He looked around seeing trees all around him, but most of them were either almost dead, already dead, or fallen over and was laying on the ground. But also, everything was grey and there was hardly any sign of green from a plant, not even the trees at green leaves but brown and dead ones. He shook his head and looked back already knowing he was very very far away from home. But he couldn't go back, not after what he did.

         He hissed and anger and sadness when he thought about Becca but also Bliss knowing that he now ruined her life forever. Singh wanted to go back home and be with Bliss, but he couldn't. Bliss would never forgive him for killing her mother and leaving her alone. He growled in frustration and ran further into the unknown area deciding he would be better off here. That way he couldn't hurt anybody else that he loves.

         Singh stayed in the area for the rest of the day, not even going near a open section of the forest, but only stayed in the dark areas or in the trees looking at the sky. He now sat upon a branch in one of the half dead trees that was able to support his weight and let his tail hang off the branch as he looked at the trees in front and beyond him. In the distance, almost on the other side of the entire forest, he knew Bliss was there, alone. His head hung low looking at the ground beneath him as he listened to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and the sound of a owl that was nearby.

      But these noises he would have first be annoyed at, but now he will have to get use to them cause he would be staying in this part of the forest til he thinks it would be okay to go back home. Singh didn't know when that will be. If that will be in a couple days, weeks, months, or even years. He hoped it wasn't the last one because he probably couldn't stand to not see his daughter for years. But he can't go back or even look at Bliss without thinking of Becca. He hissed and laid down on the branch, laying his head on his arms and letting his tail slowly swing back and forth off the tree. He wanted to go to asleep and when he woke up it will just be a nightmare and Becca will be alive and he will be back at home.

         But he knew it wasn't a dream. Everything was still vivid in his mind and he thought he couldn't go asleep after everything that happened in a day but his mind didn't go along with his wishes and he slowly felt himself falling into the abyss. He didn't dream that day and maybe won't in the next 11 years he would be staying there. But when the years past and he thought he will never see Bliss again, he will soon, but everything will be different. Maybe in a good way, maybe in a bad way, but the only thing that will stay the same, is the love between a father and daughter but also the hatred they each felt. But they can never look back at the past, only look forward for the future and what will follow them.

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