Chapter 22 ~Figuring Out~

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         Becca ran towards the ship but when she was at a good safe distance, she took out her gun and hid behind a tree. She peeked over from behind the tree and saw about ten Marines walking around each heavily armed with weapons. "To many to take on." She wispered to herself but she wanted to know why they were here. But it seemed like her question was answered when she saw Roger standing beside the ship.

         She growled at the sight of him but she realized that the Marines were spreading out, each one going to a different direction and Roger went inside. Becca was about to follow him til she saw one of the Marines walking towards her hiding spot and she quickly hid back behind the tree before the man could have seen her. She slowly peeked out and saw that his back was towards her and she took her chance and quickly but quietly ran behind another tree before the man turned around. But he didn't see her and walked off disappearing into the forest.

         Becca sighed in relief and looked over at the ship and saw Roger walking inside the ship but before the door closed behind him, she ran over and ran inside and hid behind a wall. She peeked over and saw that he didn't see her come in and she waited til he turned into a hallway before quietly following him. But as she followed him, she stopped and saw a room that had vials, tables, and pictures of some kind of liquid with plans written on it. Becca looked back at Roger but didn't see him so she decided to go into the room.

            Becca looked around the room and picked up different vials that had different colored liquids inside each one. She looked at the walls that were covered with papers that were written on. She couldn't understand most of it just something about a serum that could control the mind. But as she looked around, a yellow piece of paper caught her attention and she walked over and took it off the wall. She read the paper and she gasped. The paper read that a serum was finished and it was tested on a xenomorph which the results were correct. The xenomorph's brain was controlled and it also seemed to lose its memory from the serum but it was also one of the first side affects. The other side affects was aggressive behavior, confusion, headaches, etc.

         Becca dropped the paper and she automatically knew the xenomorph they tested the serum on was Singh. "That's why he was acting strange and tried to kill me" Becca said to herself and she quickly ran out of the room and out of the ship. She was surprised she wasn't spotted as she ran out of the ship and into the forest but she didn't care, the only thing on her mind was that Singh was being controlled by Roger and that he couldn't remember her or Bliss. But now as she ran back towards her home, she knew she had to make Singh remember her.

Sorry it took so long to update! I was working on the next chapter for Invisible. But! I shall do my best on writing this and my new book! And if you hadn't check out my new book yet, go ahead and check it out!

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