Doctor Jonathan Crane

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(F/c) = favorite color
(Y/l/n) = your last name.


Frost and I walk over to the bar. We both sat down, waiting for the bar tender.

"What's with Joker?" I asked Frost.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean why is he so mean all the sudden?" I asked.

"I didn't notice anything different." Frost said not looking at me.

Needless to say, I was getting annoyed.

"Ever sense I arrived Joker has been pretty nice to me. It kinda surprised me actually. But then we show up here and you mentioned his 'guest' and he's mean to me all the sudden." I said looking over at Frost.

"Don't take it personally, J's just like that sometimes." Frost responded.

"That was the first kinda heart felt thing you've ever said to was weird. Don't ever do it again." I said jokingly.

He laughed a bit to him self. "You've got J's humor you know."

"So your telling me I have the same humor as an insane madman? Thanks." I said sarcastically which made Frost laugh a bit again.

Just after I said this the bar tender walked over.

"What can I get ya?" She asked.

"J's usual." Frost said before I could respond.

The girl nodded "What about you miss?"

"Umm...surprise me." I said smiling.

I'm not usually that crazy in my drink choices, but in honor of Joker I though I'd go a little crazy.

The bartender walked away and started with our drinks.

"Why didn't you order?" I asked.

"We're not supposed to drink on the job." Frost said.

"Oh..." I said looking down for a second. "How does one exactly get a job working for Joker?"

"Well..." Frost began, but the bartender came back with our drinks.

I picked them up and we started back to the VIP section.

"You never do answer my questions." I said looking at Frost. "It's annoying."

When we got to the VIP section I went over and put Jokers drink down in front of him. He didn't even say thanks...shocking.

I sat down a little bit away from him and looked at my drink. It was (f/c). I drank some and it was pretty good.

"We have the guns...but you have to give us what's promised before we hand em over." A deep voice said.

I looked up and saw Jokers 'guest' for the first time. He's a decent sized man. He has brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a black suite. He kinda reminded me of my brother.

I, once again, looked down at my drink. I missed my family and my friends. I lay awake at night thinking of them. My mom, my dad, my siblings, and my two BFF's. I didn't have many friends, but the ones I did have were awesome.

Suddenly Joker slammed his fists on the table making his empty glass break and cut his hand. He didn't even seem to notice.

"Oh My God! J-Joker are you okay?" I asked startled.

I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

He. Hit. Me.

Right across the face.

I fell onto the table and fell to the ground.

I rolled over and groaned.

There was glass on my hands, and some on my head probably.

Then I heard a gunshot.

I saw Jokers guest fall to the ground across from me making me screamed.

Then I heard people in the club scream. What was going on?

I lifted my head slightly and saw people rushing out the doors.

"Joker." I heard a voice say.

"Batsy! How nice of you to finally join the party." Joker exclaimed.

Batman? What was Batman doing here?

Before I could find out my vision blurred. I tried to keep my eyes open but it was no use.

Before I fell into darkness I felt strong arms lift me up...


"Why did I see you hanging out with Crane again?"

"B-Because I-I w-wanted t-to."


"YOU ARE MINE! MINE! Understand! IF I EVER SEE YOU WITH CRANE AGAIN I'LL KILL HIM...and... I'll make you watch."


"I though so."


I woke up suddenly.

Who was Crane? And why did Joker want to kill him? And why did I care about him so much?

"Good morning sleeping beauty." A man said.

He had beautiful blue eyes, brown curly-ish hair, a perfect face, and square glasses.

"Ummm...where am I? And who are you?" I asked, confused.

I looked around the room. It was all white. White walls, white chairs, white floors, white bed.

"You are in a Hospital miss..." the man said looking at my chart "(Y/l/n). And I," he said looking back up at me "am doctor Jonathan Crane."

Ahhhh! Love that ending! It's not that I don't love the Joker (I way to much) but I'm excited to finally see Scarecrow emerge!

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