Purple Lamborghini

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Jonathan Crane's POV

I saw the two guards and Joker fall to the floor. Joker, I presumed, was seeing images of Batman. The two guards were probably seeing images of me. Well not me. The other me.


After the toxin faded from the room I took off my mask. I grabbed Joker and shoved him into a chair as the guards began to wake up.

"W-what h-happened?" one of the guards asked.

I pulled out my notebook and wrote down two symptoms.

Stuttering. Slurred words.

It was practically the same thing but I must write all possibly effects of my toxin.

I put my notebook away and looked at the guards "I believe there was another gas leak causing us all to pass out."

"That's the third one this month!" The other guard said.

I smirked and walked to the door.

The people here at Arkham were really stupid. I've been testing my toxin ever since I started working here yet no one noticed that every time there's a 'gas leak' I'm in the room.

"Well no matter, the session would be over anyway." I said and walked out of the room.

(Y/n)'s POV

~A few weeks later~

I was cleared as "mentality stable" a few weeks ago, yet Jonathan still came to visit me.

Today was my last day here. I mean...the food is nice and so is the staff but I'm glad to be going home. I mean who wouldn't be! Maybe I'll take a trip. Somewhere warm...far, far, FAR away from Gotham. I'm sick of this place already. Joker, Batman, Scarecrow, Two Face, Catwomen, blah blah blah.


I looked over at the door, it was Jonathan.

I smiled "Hi!"

He walked over and sat in the chair next to my bed. He was dorky and awkward, but I thought he was cute.

"So, I heard that today is your last day here." He said sounding a bit sad.

"Yeah...but I was hoping we could still stay in touch?" I said looking down and my slippers.

"Hmm...I guess." He said.

"I mean...we don't have to, I just thought you might want to." I said looking at him.

"Do you want to?" He asked.

"I mean yeah. That's kinda why I asked." I said smiling a bit.

After a minute he handed me his phone. I smiled and typed in my number.

Once I was done he stood up and went to the door. "Until next time, (y/n)."

I smiled "See ya Jonathan."


I walked out of the hospital and breathed in the fresh air. I was glad to finally feel the sun on my skin again.

It was a sunny day in December, but it was expected to snow later this evening.

During my stay at the hospital my family came to visit me often. I was relieved to see them. It was nice to have something normal in my life after all that crazyness.

I began to attempt to hail a cab so I could get home. I began to think about how excited I was for Christmas, and how I would get to spend some relaxing time with my family before I take my trip.

A cab pulled up and I got in. I told the driver my address and he speed off.

He was actually kinda going a bit too fast.

"I'm really in no hurry." I said.

There was something oddly familiar about the driver.

"Shut up." A mans voice said.

I knew who's voice that was. I looked at him in the mirror.

"No! No! Please! Please Jonny!" I yelled at Jokers second hand man with tears in my eyes. "Don't take me to him! Please!"

"You're only making this worse for yourself (Y/n)." He said calmly with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Please Jonny. Please! I'll do anything!" I said barley holding back the tears.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), bosses orders." Jonny said truthfully.

I began to sob when suddenly I heard the roar of an engine. Whipping away my tears I looked out the window to see a purple lamborghini.

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