chapter 17

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Don's Point of View:

"What the fuck do you mean?!" I scream, my vein popping out of my neck from the surging anger the news brought me. Violet and Dax flinch at the same time. Dax darting his eyes away from me while Violet bravely never left mine. Violet had already located Trinity's location. Well, it wasn't confirmed but the probability was so high. But they failed. Again. Damn!

"One of my men was badly injured, the rest were killed and-." Violet stops midsentence when I bang my fist so hard to the table. Her voice is yet calm but her eyes show the opposites.

"I don't give a damn!" I shot. Ofcourse, I give a damn about my men. They've been nothing but loyal to me but my anger to Dax and Violet's failure is surging so fast that all I see is red.

"All was going smoothly as we had planned, Don. Until a natural occurence beyond our control occured - an avalanche. This caused the security of that place to be alarmed. From that process, they had caught our presence in no time and everything went down after." Violet explains.

"Forgive our incompetence, Don. This won't happen again." Dax promises with full determination, his eyes full of revenge for his fallen comrade.

His promise ignites my anger more. I grit my teeth. Trinity was almost in my grasp but just because of some bad luck she vanishes just like that into thin air. It feels like the world is all against our reunion. Like the gods have cursed us to be separated forever.

"There's another thing Don. They left a message." Dax informs me. By the look of Dax' face, I can sense this is not a good one.

"What is it?"

"The message says: 'Try one more time and we'll end her.'" I feel my lips quiver from too much anger of them threatening me but most of all, for using Trinity's life to rub my weakness. I rub my hands to my face and runs it into my hair afterward. This is stressing me so much.

I pause for a while, shutting my eyes tightly. After I calmed down, I dart my eyes back to them.

"This will be the last time. If you fail again, I'll end both of you with my own hands. Do you understand?" I say to them, the visciousness of my threat is almost bone chilling. The two of them looked at each other with wide eyes. Dax who got his composure first, speaks to break the tension.

"Yes, Don. We won't fail this time."

Lisa's Point of View

Thick tension is roaming around the mansion as of the moment. I heard that the Don is currently not on his best mood, which I witnessed first hand this morning after he kicked me out so rudely off his room. But for me, I don't feel any difference at all. He's always in a bad mood, what's new?

It's almost dinner time so I guess I need to move now and fill my empty stomach. I walk my way towards the dining area for all the workers here in the mansion with the decision of just grabbing any food and bring it to my room. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone since I have this feeling they all knew what have happened last night. so my mission is to be invisible, grab my food and lock myself in my room.

Before I have even reach the dining hall my body bumps into someone since my eyes is on the floor the whole time. My body relaxes immediately when I realize it was Dorothy that I bumped.

"Oh hi Dorothy." I greet her with a smile but Dorothy never smiles back. She has this constant signature scowl that somehow never bothers me. Funny but it reminds me of someone.

"I was on the way to your room to bring you a message from the Don." She speaks. My warm smile for Dorothy now melts into a frown.

"W-what is it?" I stutter reminding myself to stay calm.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now