t h i r t y - s i x

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A/n: Please play the video, you won't regret listening to it.

Song - The Kill (Acoustic) By 30 Seconds to Mars

What if I wanted to break
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do?
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take all this anymore
What would you do, do, do?

The past days were filled with a kalediescope of memories that will be forever imprinted in my mind. Indelible memories of each kisses and the warmth he can only render is so addictive that I desire even the slightest touch of his skin. I never thought I can feel this much, this surging emotion that clawed to my body, dictating and melting it till it molded to my weakness.

And only one person can make me feel that.

My once tormentor and now my solace that alleviates me from loneliness – Harry.

The next couple of days went by very quickly, the passion that we shared became more intense, Harry turning more aggressive in between the sheets. At first, I found it exciting since it brought me satisfaction even if the aftermath left my body sore and tender. I didn't mind it since my need for him is fueled by the blinding lust he induced to me, but his ways turned more callous and possessive with a tinge of desperation. It felt like something was distracting him but he kept it locked to himself leaving me all ignorant to his predicament.

Something was going on but he wouldn't tell me anything.

He was with me almost all the time, pampering me with all his undivided attention. I must say that it made my heart swell, almost turning me into a putty to his hands. Leaving in solitary most of my life made me gullible and ignorant from the sudden affection. I never dated anyone before since I didn't have time to explore and make relationship to any men. My main priority then was to look for food, find a shelter and avoid circumstances that can my life in danger. I did all that in order to survive resulting that some aspect of my life were deprived. So, I let his affection patch all my gaps and holes to make me whole again.

But the blissful moments are only fleeting and now it's gone, replaced by a foreboding feeling relentlessly poking you at the back, reminding you that nothing lasts forever.

And my presentment came true.

He left.

No words, no explanation of his whereabouts and even Dorothy is clueless of his sudden disappearance. While me on the other hand, feels so dejected that he just left without even saying goodbye.

Where is he? No one knows.

The only information that I got is he left in a hurry in the middle of the night leaving me alone in the bed after our shared night of passion. The only consolation that he is safe is Dax and Violet left with him too.

It has been five days but still no words coming from the Don. He left me imprisoned by my own fears and insecurity and it is eating me from the inside depleting my almost non existent self confidence.

His sudden disappearance made me feel unimportant. I feel like I'm just one of his pets that he'll only shower his affection if he's home but will leave without much thought to continue his life while his pet is waiting and yearning for his arrival.

And here I am strolling in the garden the garden by myself, alone with my deleterious perturbed thoughts that are eating me from the inside. My days went bleak and dreary and as much as I deny it, the Don is a huge part of the reason.

"Lisa." Someone calls me, pulling me out from reverie.

"Dorothy?" The gray haired stoic woman who is looking slightly uncomfortable for some reason, stands a few feet away from me.

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