f o r t y

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Warning: Sensitive and triggering scene ahead.


Heavy breathing, tears streaming and lips too numb to speak. Every fibers of my heart stretching with every beat it takes, fighting to erase the hurt away but each beat is joined by a painful spasm that tightens my chest that is too impossible to ignore.

You're just a good fuck.

You're just a good fuck.

You're just a good fuck.

His voice keeps ringing in my ear.

I guess I was. He's right. I'm nothing to him. I'm just a good fuck.


I'm nothing.

His voice keeps repeating in my head, like a broken record.

I had enough.

I need to do something.

I need to escape from all of this. He hurt me but it doesn't mean my end. The Styles destroyed my life, I won't let them do me more damage.

I rather die trying my best fighting for my freedom than to be in the hands of Des.

I need to be strong. I need to find a way and hatch a plan. But how? Who can help me? It is next to impossible to escape here without being caught.

You're time is running out. My subconscious tells me.

My brain begins to work, thinking of a plan. The hurt Harry inflicted on me drives and encourages me to do something. I'm so done crying for him.

I wince when the doctor applied some ointment to my bruised cheeks bringing me back to the present. My affected cheek has already turned purplish blue in color bringing me back for the nth time in the clinic with the same doctor who treated me before who is gazing at me in disapproval. Dorothy sent me here after she took care of Trinity. I never cried so hard when she came back for me after Harry left.

"Can I go now? I don't want to miss dinner." I ask the doctor hastily, he frowns suspiciously at me but eventually he gives a nod to dismiss me and quickly I make my way to the dining hall. To my relief, I find that people are still inside having their dinner some are even still in line to get their food. My eyes scan quickly to locate someone and it zero to the precise man I'm looking for.

He's standing in front of the salad section. Go figure, Theo and his addiction with his leafy friends. It would have made me smile if my current disposition right now is not putting me in on edge. I pretend to be getting my drink as I stand an arms width away from him. He notices my presence and I could see from the corner of my eyes that shock and worry is plastered on his face when he saw my bruised cheek. I speak quickly to stop him from reacting since I don't want the Don to find out we're having a conversation.

Cameras and eyes are everywhere I need to be careful.

"Pretend that we're not talking." I utter firmly, my voice low almost like a whisper. Thankfully, Theo is quick minded as he understands completely the situation. Without looking at each other, we busy ourselves in getting our salad. I wince since it is already suspicious enough that I'm in the salad section since I hate to eat anything that is a plant.

"I need your help." I start. "I need to escape here as soon as possible or else Des.." I choke just speaking of his name. Theo seems to understand when I hear him exhale a sharp breath. I feel his body tense and I can tell from his stature that he is starting to get mad.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now