t h i r t y - f o u r

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Lisa's Point of View

"I don't know what happened but the last time he was like this was when his mother left them."

Dorothy narrates all the possibilty of the Don's unexplainable onset of high fever. He is laid on his bed with beads of sweat profusely covering his pale skin while his high temperature is not even going down even he has taken anti-pyretics reaching his maximum allowable dose. His breaths are fast and short and he has been thrashing and moaning like he's in pain.

Worry overpowers all my rational thoughts as I my mind rans to different scenarios that can possibly lead to a grave outcome.

My heart sores looking at him as this is the first time I see him in a very bad state.

Will this go worse? Did someone did this to him? Will he...die?

My face pales with my last thought. I don't want him to die.

He was still fine yesterday, no early signs of him being unwell. After we took our breakfast together yesterday, he told me that he'll be joining me for dinner and I waited for him patiently but when he arrived home with a blotchy pale skin and sweating face, everyone got very concerned. He was brought to our in-house physician but we have never even reached the clinic when he lost consciousness and drops to the carpet floor. Everyone went to panic especially me.

He gets worse as the night goes on. His fever goes too high that it escalated further into a convulsion. Thankfully, the physician manages to control the symptoms by early morning leaving us with no sleep.

The lab results didn't find any infection in his body so the fever is unexplainable.

"Shouldn't we bring him to the hospital. You know get a second opinion? What if the physician here missed something?" I tell Dorothy, worry is obviously thick in my voice. I look at everyone's face and the evidence lack of sleep is very distinct.

"There's no need to. We have the best of everything here. Our physician is one of the topmost in his field and we have the same complete medical equipments that you can also find in the best high end hospitals." Nicole snaps at me. Dorothy sighs and turns her eyes on me and shakes her head when she sees me about to argue Nicole back.

Nicole never left the Don's side and she even kicked me out of his room to my annoyance. But Nicole being so high maintenance and not used to giving hard effort such watching someone for the whole night, she ended giving up to go back to her room and sleep. That gave me the opportunity to take over taking care of the Don.

The physician arrives after his break pulling all our attention towards him. He approaches Dorothy directly to Nicole's dismay.

"His fever is definitely a psychosomatic symptom." Dorothy sighs knowingly when she hears what he said. "This is infact a psychogenic fever." He announces and then faces both the confused faces of Nicole and I. "In lay man's term stress induced fever."

"According to his medical history the last time he was like this was when he lost his mother right?" Dorothy nods to confirm.

"We'll does anyone knows if he's been stressing about something. Something big that can trigger this?" Both Dorothy and I shake our head but it is Nicole who answers his question.

"The Don had a heated argument after having a meeting with his father yesterday. He was really mad. The room was almost destroyed after he left." She confesses.

Dorothy pinches the bridge of her nose in distress while I shiver when I recall the last time I witnessed the outcome of Harold's rage and it wasn't a good sight to see. It was a complete wreckage. Until now his temper scares me a lot.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now