T w e n t y - e i g h t

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Lisa's Point of view

I wake up to the sound of the birds standing outside the window while they chirp delightfully to the occasion of a good weather. The sun has finally raised itself from its slumber marking another new day. Another day to be wasted for those who only live to breath and another day to live for those eager ones who struggle and fight to move forward.

I strongly believe, I belong to the latter, those who strive in hope and longing for a better days to come. I still hold to this tiny part of me that smolders me to remain positive. Though that fire in me is long gone after all that has happened to me, the burn inside me though without a spark of flame is still there, holding on to keep me forward.

My mind is about to unyield from slumber but my body seems to fail to catch up. I feel sore everywhere that making a slight movement winces me in pain.

The activity from last night totally knocks off all my strength. I try to make a move but a heavy restraint is stopping me. It brings me into realization that a pair of strong arms is snaked around my body clutching me firmly as if to lock me from escaping.

The particular curly beast growls behind my ear. His warm breath tickles my skin since his face is situated just right on the crook of my neck while almost his whole body is on top of mine encaging me. His legs are tangled onto my own and his arms are wrapped to my whole torso making it impossible for me to even make the slightest move.

"Stop moving." I hear him drawl, his voice so deep, thick and hoarse from sleep.

I feel my body tingles just from hearing how deep and sexy his morning voice is. But as much as I want to hear his voice again, I badly need to answer the call of nature.

"D-don I really need to go--"

"Shh..shut up. Just stay." He grumbles again slowly shaking his head as it tickles my neck in the process. I try to squirm again when I feel my bladder loosing its hold but then the Don takes it as a defiance so his hold into me tightens even more,almost crushing me.

"But I need to pee." My face blushes from embarrassment of having the need to tell that to him but I am left with no choice. I hear him release a long impatient groan as he slowly loosens his grip from me.

"Fine, but go back to bed immediately once done." He says his eyes still half close from sleep but his voice is in clear impatient annoyance.

"Yes, Don."

So I quickly scurry my way to the comfort room to do my business. After peeing, I heave a sigh of relief from getting out of discomfort. This is the best feeling every morning I swear. I wash my hands first before I take a look into the mirror to check myself but the sight of me causes me to gasp.

My lips are all swollen, busted and red, a slight red blister on its corner. I wince when I touch it as I realize it is busted and swollen from the night of shared passion. I think the Don kissed me too hard that the softness of my lips didn't withstand it.

The Don last night lost all his composure and control to me. Unlike other intimacy that we shared, last night was really an intense one though all we did was grope each other's body and shared passionate kisses. That's it.

Surprisingly, he didn't do anything more than what we've shared.

It was unusual to find him really passionate like last night as if there was no tomorrow. It was almost primitive and very raw that my body shivers just by thinking of it. I still don't know what has gotten into him to act that way.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now