006: s c r i p t

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[Kol enters carrying an unconscious and obviously injured Charlotte]

Klaus: [without seeing Charlotte's face] would you please stop bringing your dinner home brother?

Kol: it's Lotte, brother. The bloody mongrels vervained her

Klaus: [increasingly angry] What did you do?

Kol: my jealousy got the best of me, you would have done the same thing

Klaus: Kol.

Kol: He wouldn't stop touching her and she was uncomfortable... I killed the mayor.

Klaus: I should put a dagger through your heart, Kol. Put her down.

Kol: [places Charlotte in the bathtub and begins to pull splinters out of her arms]

Klaus: [kneels by Charlotte and strokes her hair whilst reassuring her, though she is still unconscious]

Kol: Perhaps it is time we let her go.

Klaus: She will always be in danger, with or without us.

Kol: Klaus. I can't be selfish, not with her. If you love her neither can you.

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