047: p r i v a t e

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❤️ Joseph ❤️

Can I be horrible and cancel on you?

You alright?

I think I have food poisoning but I'll live

I could always make it Chinese takeaway
instead and come take care of you?

I love you
But it is not pretty in here and I don't think
I could eat

You know I don't care what you look like
right? I'm not going to see you throw up
once and make a run for it

I think you over estimate what a horrible
sick person I am

I think you under estimate how in love with
you I am

You're not going to give it up are you?

I most certainly am not

I love you Jo.

Oh now don't sound so happy about it

Why am I in love with you I s2g

Anything you need on the way over?

Nope, I've got enough food stocked in my
fridge to get me and half of Atlanta through
the apocalypse

I'm bringing Chinese food anyway I don't care

Hey dont go to the place near my house bc I
think that's what gave me food poisoning

Do you even really have food poisoning?
That's the best place in Atlanta, how dare you
accuse them of such an act

Oh well since you're so smart what's wrong
with me then if it's not the noodles?
I mean, maybe I should take a pregnancy test

I was kidding

So was I but now I feel like I should take one
You know like just so we can rule it out...

I'll pick one up, I'm sure it's fine love

Yeah I know I'm paranoid

Didn't say that Thea Bean
I'll see you in 10 alright?

Love you ❤️

Love you too sweetheart

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