029: p r i v a t e

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Joseph 👑

What time is Julie letting you off tonight?

8pm, why?

Let me pick you up at 10?

What are you planning?

Oh you know the usual
Get you drunk and leave you alone in an alley

Mmm sounds good but idk...
Pretty tired

I'll buy you ice cream

And they say romance is dead.

Salted caramel ice cream. Final offer.

You know a woman's heart Joseph
Are we just going to your house or are
we going out?
I need to know whether to look like a trash
bag or not

You have never once in your life looked like
a trash bag
You look like a goddess all the time
It's unsettling

Just answer the question

My house.

See you at 10, Jo ❤️

A/N: I know, it's a Christmas miracle I actually updated??? (This is only short because it's setting up the next update dw) Coming back to this book and I swear i'm going to bring more updates soon, don't hate me xoxo

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