025: p a n e l t r a n s c r i p t

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Announcer: Well let's get it started, first up stars Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder. The lovely Cynthia Somerhalder and Candice Accola. The show's villain Joseph Morgan and the charming Daniel Gillies. Not to forget executive producer Julie Plec!

Crowd: [cheering]

Announcer: So first of all I'd like to welcome Cynthia Somerhalder back to both comic con and the show. How does it feel to be back after your end of season break last year?

Cynthia: It's amazing. This cast is like my family-

Ian: I'm sorry, like?

Cynthia: This show is my family except for Ian. No really, it's great to be back and hopefully I've got a few more seasons in me.

Julie: Well...

Cynthia: Is there something you want to tell me?

Julie: I'm kidding, I'm kidding.


Announcer: So now we're going to jump right into audience questions now so whenever they're ready...

Crowd Mic: Hi my name's Georgia, I have a question for Cynthia and Joseph.

Nina: Here we go...

Crowd Mic: How do you feel about Klarlotte and will we see more of it in season 4 or will Kol come further into play?

Joseph: [laughs]

Cynthia: Umm, I hope we see more of them. I think they have a lot of history that I'd like to see explored and there is the question of Kol and how will he interfere in that... Can you tell I'm Team Klaus? I think that Kol and Charlotte will have a hard time fixing their relationship now simply because she has had that time to grow apart from him whereas to him its been like ten minutes. Klaus on the other hand has
grown and changed just as much as she has so I'm excited to see how that growth will change the relationship they had previously had.

Crowd Mic: Which ship from the show do you see happening in real life?

Nina: Like the actors or the characters? If it's the characters then I'd say Stelena was pretty realistic... if it's the actors then I think we all know what we're going to say

Daniel: Are you talking about my daughter?

Candice: Cynthia and Joseph.

Cynthia: Can't we call out someone else for once? Okay fine well I'd say Ian and Nina.

Joseph: I'm still counting on us, Thea.

Crowd: [loses it's shit]

Crowd Mic: Not to take away from that brilliant Cynseph moment but did Daniel
just refer to Cynthia as his daughter?

Daniel: Yes. Next question.

Cynthia: Don't be rude, Dad

Daniel: Shut up, daughter. Am I allowed to say shut up? I just did it again.

Announcer: You're all good.

Crowd Mic: Hi my name's Cynthia too and I have a question for the girls. Will we get to see more bonding between the original Mystic Falls trio this season and will we ever see Charlotte become a full fledged member of the group?

Cynthia: I'm not already part of the group?

Nina: No you're not. God Cynthia.

Candice: I haven't read any scripts yet but I can pretty safely say yes to both of those, I think it's really only Bonnie at this point that doesn't see Charlotte as just as important a member of the group as like Elena or whatever.

Crowd Mic: My name's Lilly and I have a question for Daniel. What bonds will Elijah be forming in the future?

Daniel: I think he's rethinking and in some ways strengthening his relationships with his siblings particularly Klaus though- correct me if I'm wrong Julie- they will remain ultimately unchanged as he'll always be to some degree his families butler I suppose? Or their rock, it depends on how you look at it. Otherwise I think he's becoming more accepted by the Mystic Falls group and obviously as we've seen this season he is most definitely rebuilding the friendship that he has had with Charlotte and I can only imagine that will continue next season.

Julie: There will be some changes in Elijah's relationships in the next season that I think will surprise fans and apparently they're going to surprise Daniel as well so

Daniel: Wait what? Which one?

Julie: No spoilers!

Cynthia: You better not screw me over Dad

Daniel: I probably will, let's be real

Crowd Mic: Hi my name's Leah and I have a question for Ian, Paul and Cynthia. Does the Salvatore bond ever carry over into real life, obviously Ian and Cynthia are still siblings but apart from that?

Paul: Uh yeah- I definitely have times when I treat Cynth like she's actually my sister.

Ian: You're more protective over her than I am.

Cynthia: Aww Paul. Hang on I'm gonna come hug you [stands and goes and wraps her arms around Paul's neck before returning to her seat] He's an honorary Somerhalder now.

Ian: Would our mom even notice if we adopted him?

Paul: My mom treats you like her kids.

Cynthia: I talk to your mom more than you do, Paul. You're a terrible son.

Paul: Am not.

Nina: I'm gonna cut those three off before they go on a tangent. They fight like siblings too.

Crowd Mic: Hi guys, my name is June. I was just wondering if any of you planning to visit any other panels while you're here today?

Nina: I might drop by the Pretty Little Liars panel if I have time. I know a couple of the girls and it'd be nice to say hi.

Paul: I'd like to see Jared and Jensen.

Crowd: [screams]

Paul: I'm not really, I don't even know them I just wanted to see if our fans liked them more than us.

Ian: It's the best way to get the fans hyped.

Cynthia: You're an idiot, Paul. I'm gonna go by the Teen Wolf guys when I get the chance, to answer your question.

Announcer: Alright, thank you everyone for your questions and can we give a massive hand of applause to the cast of The Vampire Diaries for joining us today!

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