Chapter 2 Nightmare

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"Danny! Come on let's go before we're late for practice!" A boy yelled. He had bright blue eyes and spiky black hair. He wore a red tunic with an R in a circle above the heart, green tights and boots.

Danny started to run over to the boy. "Ok, I'm coming" 5-year-old Danny yelled back.

Once Danny caught up with the boy, they ran over a big tent. They ran to the tent and headed straight to the trapeze. "Dickie, don't forget to put the net up," Danny told the boy, Dickie. "I know don't start until I get up there." 5-year-old Dickie said.

Danny and Dickie practiced for two hours. "Mami, tati when doing Danny and I get to perform tonight?" Dickie asked sitting down at the dinner table.

"Yes, Dick. You and Danny got to perform tonight" their mom, Mary Grayson, answered.

After dinner, Dick and Danny practiced some more before they performed that night. "Race you there, Dickie," Danny said as he got up from his chair next to Dick. "Don't forget to change into your practice clothes." Their dad, John Grayson, reminded.

The two boys ran to get changed into their practice clothes and headed back to the trailer. "Tati can you come and watch us please?" Danny asked as Dick jumped up and down. "Yes, I'll come and watch," John answered walking to the door of the trailer. "Ready, set, go!" Danny shouted running out the door with Dick running after him.

Danny made it to the big top and ran into someone. "I'm sorry" Danny apologized backing up. "Danny, tati said to wait for him," Dick said walking up to the big top. "Mami was coming to watch us too."

"Danny, Dick your dad said to wait," Mary told them walking in with John right next to her. John saw the man standing in front of his sons. "John Grayson, circus manager." John introduced "can I help you?" "I'd like to think I can you, John. For a fee" The man said. "My brother and I 'we'll provide your circus with protection'."

Danny looked at the man in confusion. "Protection?" Danny asked. "I don't see why we need protection?" John said.

The two boys followed Mary and John to the big top. "Dick, Danny go and get changed while your mom and I do last minute preparations," John told them. "Ok, come on Danny let's go!" Dick said grabbing Danny's arm.

Dick was about to join Danny, Mary, and John on the trapeze when...


"Mami! Tati! Danny!" Dick screamed. Mary had Danny in her hands, she throws Danny to Dick. Danny almost made it to the post before Dick grabbed his hands and pulled him up. Danny was shaking as Dick pulled him up. "Danny, it's ok. I got you now." Dick told Danny as he started to cry. The crowd screamed as Mary and John continued to fell then...


Danny jolted awake with a scream and breathing heavily with tears threating to fall. Jazz rushed once she heard him scream. When she opened the door and she saw him like that she went into big sister mode. "Danny, what's wrong?" Jazz asked running over to him.

"I-I h-had a ni-night-mare." He choked out. "Oh, do you want to tell me about it?" She asked, Danny just shook his head. "Danny, it will help you?" She told him. "I'm fine now. Good night, thank you, Jazz." He said laying back down.

After Jazz left Danny was asleep again. His nightmare just continued from where he woke from.

"Danny, let's go down?" Dick said as Danny's grip tightened. "No, I don't want you to fall too, Dick," Danny told him. "I won't fall-" "Then I'll fall, I don't want to fall, Dick." Danny cut Dick off.

"Danny, no one is going to fall. Now let's go down." Dick told him in a reassuring voice. Danny looked up at Dick with tears streaming down his face.

Word count 669

Remember to stay whelmed and feel the aster, my little birdies

❤Love ya❤

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