Chapter 11 New Bat Part 2

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- - - - March 10th - - - -

"Boys, let's go!" Bruce yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Dick was the first one down and ready. "Dick, I need your help putting this thing on!" Danny called from Dick's room. "Danny comes down and I'll help you!" Dick replied. Danny eventually came down and Dick helped him.

The three walked to the car and climbed in. They headed towards the courthouse. The drive to the courthouse was about 15 minutes. "We are here" Bruce tapped Dick and Danny's knees. The three climbed out of the car and walked to the courthouse. They checked in and walked straight to the courtroom.

"We are here today for the guardianship of Daniel James Grayson, Jack and Maddie Fenton or Bruce Wayne." Judge Richard Dawn said.

- - - - Time Skip to who has guardianship - - - -

"The guardianship goes to... Mr. Wayne" Judge Dawn concluded. "Your honor, how come Mr. Wayne gets to take Danny?" Maddie questioned. "One, his biological brother lives there and two, you and Jack have neglected and abused Daniel." Judge Dawn harshly replied exiting the courtroom. Bruce and the two boys followed Judge Dawn to his office.

Jack and Maddie looked on as Judge Dawn, Bruce, and the two brothers exited the courtroom. "They can't just take our baby boy away, Jack We've raised him since he was 6 years old!" Maddie said deathly calm to Jack.

Meanwhile with Judge Dawn, Bruce, and the twin brothers in Judge Dawn's office. The four of them sat at the desk. Judge Dawn reached into the second drawer on the right side of the desk and pulled out some papers for Bruce to sign. "Now, Mr. Wayne you just need to sign here," he pointed to the bottom of the last page, "And you'll have guardianship of Daniel and soon you will be able to adopt him." Bruce nodded and signed the papers.

"You're all set, Mr. Wayne. CPS will meet with you soon." Judge Dawn stated as he filed the papers. "Thank you, your honor," Bruce turned to the boys "Let's go home, boys." Bruce and the twins walked out of the office.

Bruce and the twins walked to the car and got into the car. They drove off back to the Manor. They were almost to the Manor when Bruce received a phone call.

"Bruce Wayne" He answered the call.

"Hello Mr. Wayne this is Robbie Rider from CPS"

"Yes, and what can I do for you, Mr. Rider?"

"I'm calling to inform you that the papers for Daniel Grayson are ready"

"Ok, thank you for calling, Daniel and I will be there soon. Bye, Mr. Rider" With that Bruce ended the call.

Bruce and the boys arrived at the Manor. "Danny, you and I will be going to CPS to sign the papers."He told Danny and Dick looked at Bruce. "Why can't I come along?" Dick questioned. "Alfred will need your help with Jason, Tim, and Damian," Bruce explained as he looked in the living room window to see the three boys tackling each other. "Fine" Grumbled Dick getting out of the car.

Bruce and Danny drove to CPS, once Dick was inside the Manor. The drive to CPS was about 30 minutes. When they arrived at the CPS building, they were quickly led to where Robbie Rider's office is. "Robert is right through this door and ready for you and Daniel" The worker explained opening the door. Bruce and Danny walked into the office to see Robbie sitting at his desk filling out some paperwork.

"Bruce and Daniel are here to sign the papers, Mr. Rider." The worker informed. "Thank you, Ms. Paige. Please send them in" He told her not looking up from the paperwork. Bruce and Danny sat down in front of Robert's desk. "Hello, Mr. Wayne, Daniel. Here are the papers, you two need to sign" Robert handed them the papers to sign.

- - - - 40 Minutes Later - - - -
At Wayne Manor

"Welcome back Master Bruce and Mater Danny. How did the CPS go?" Said Alfred opening the door. "Thank you, Alfred and good." Bruce walked through the door with Danny right behind him. "Alfie, do you know where Dick is?" Danny asked. "He's at Mount Justice with the other young Masters," He answered, "Follow me to the cave." Danny and Alfred went to the bat-cave, while Bruce went to his study.

- - - - Mount Justice - - - -

Recognized Phantom B10

Everyone, besides the batboys, got into a fighting stance. "Who's Phantom?" The team, besides the batboys, thought. Phantom walked into the living room to everyone, except the batboys, in a defensive stance. "Nightwing uh... I just wanted to uh... let you know that we're back" Danny slowly backed out of the room. "Phantom, this is the team," Explained Nightwing walking over to Phantom, "Team, this is Phantom."

The team dropped their stances. "What did they say?" Nightwing asked excitedly. "They had Bats and I sign a couple papers," Phantom answered trying to keep the attention off of him. "So, Phantom is officially one of us?" Robin asked walking into the room and Phantom nodded.

"Nightwing, why do you and Phantom look alike?" Artemis questioned confused. "They are twins and Phantom is older." Robin spat at Artemis. "My friend, how come we were never informed that you had an older brother?" Kaldur spoke up. "When we were 5 there was an accident, we were separated," Nightwing started "And just recently found each other again." The team nodded.


Word count - 936

Remember to stay whelmed and feel the aster, my little birdies

❤Love ya❤

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