Broken, not Damaged - Gear X Raya

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The dusky brute leapt across the forest, bounding in the direction of the city. His ears flicked, his pelt lit up by the fiery light of setting sun. The sky was turning from light blue to dark shades of orange and purple, the clouds disappearing.

Soon it would be dark, and then he could safely see Raya. He smiled as her face flashed through his mind, quickening his pace. He surged on until he saw the thin patches of concrete dappling the floor, and the fallen tree marking the border between territories of city and forest.

The concrete world beyond was one he knew well, having grown up on the far side. His father abandoned he and his mother, alongside his siblings, whom had disappeared over the wall on that exact side. The tom slowed down and trotted contently through the concrete, ears perking when he heard his name being called by a soft, warm voice that he knew well nearby.


He smiled, turning and easily striding towards the dark, shadow covered alley. There stood a ginger and white she-cat, the tabby markings barely visible on her fur. Her warm hazel eyes glistened as she slipped forward, brushing her pelt against his with a cheery purr.

"Hi, Raya." He licked her ears and she beamed, sitting down with her tail curled over her white-dipped paws. They stared at each other, as if taking mental note of each shadow that kept the pair hidden from any passing gangs of rogues. If anyone knew they were meeting, all would go badly, and the biggest, most well known group of rogues would find out. Mick's gang was horrible, the one Raya had resided in and the one Gear tried his best to avoid. How the two fell in love was a mystery in itself.

"I missed you." She purred, swiping her tongue over his shoulder and nuzzling into his coat. He smiled down at her.

"I was only gone for the day."

"But it gets lonely." She pouted, then laughed a little. "I mean, kind of... it's not as lonely as most think gang life is. I just miss you."

His eyes narrowed. "Have they picked on you lately?"


"I'm serious, Raya." He shifted so that he could see straight into those eyes of hers. They were soft, clouded a little. "If they're going to pick on you, we won't be kept secret." He growled. "I'm not having it! They've taken too much from me as it is, and they won't take the love of my life." His voice trailed off and he sighed. Raya could clearly see the hurt look on his face.

Raya frowned. "No, they haven't been bothering me." She lay down, offering a small bend in her belly for him to snuggle against. He took the offer, giving a gentle purr of thanks.

"Good. I just worry, that's all."

"Don't." She set her head on her forepaws, staring up at him. He nodded slowly. "I'll be okay. I promise."

His ears flattened. He knew that any promise could be broken easily. What he also knew was that it was a huge risk to meet before the sky was pure dark, but it was irresistible. During the day, he went out to hunt, and whatever he caught would be brought back to his mother. He'd sit with her for a while, and then when the sky was dark blue - almost black - he'd head out to find wherever Raya awaited him. She would spend the night with him until midnight when he needed to go home, back to his mother. The days were long and dull, waiting to see his lover... the forbidden relationship was almost painful.

And yet of course, they weren't forbidden. There was nothing stopping them from being in love. Well... almost nothing. Nothing but a gang of stray felines who despised Gear for reasons nobody knew. Nothing but that same gang who wouldn't rest until Gear was no more than an empty, hollowed shadow.

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