Newly Found Friends - Gear

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We're going back in time!! Gear is a lil baby in this one :)

Gear silently trotted through the asphalt sidewalk, sunshine pouring down onto his dark brown fur. His tiny paws were growing hot in the summer air, sweat forming on the pads. His mother was somewhere, roaming the city in search of a meal that would greet him when he got back home.

He picked up speed, panting in attempt to cool down. It would be better when he got to the forest; shade and cool grass to keep him not-so-hot. As he strode down the sidewalk, he examined the tall buildings and all the twoleg cars that went by. He didn't stop though, just trying to run along until he was free from the stone walls.

Looking up, he noticed the shadows of trees falling into the city. He sped up, running quickly until he felt the pavement beneath his pads disappear into soft, lush greenery. He gave a silent purr to himself, slowing to a trot, then a walk. He inhaled and drew in all the warm scents of birds, mice and rabbits, something that city cats didn't get to smell too often. He perked his ears and smiled, taking slow paw-steps along and allowing the blades of grass to cool his hot, aching pads.

"Hi there!" Gear turned his head, tail flicking to settle itself firmly between his hind-legs. His eyes rounded in surprise. He'd never come in contact with a cat from outside the city, and he had been almost sure that no cat lived in the forest - at least not close enough.

The voice was happy, though, and welcoming. A southern accent had rattled it, and almost drew him closer to its source. Was that a good thing? He had always thought that traps were formed by bringing one closer to the other, so...

Maybe I should go home.

Gear turned to begin going back to the city, but the voice came again. "Don't go!" Grass rustled behind him and he turned around, met with the site of a pair of sky blue eyes, rounded and glistening with excitement. Stepping back quickly, Gear looked the critter up and down.

A she-kit, maybe a moon or so older than him and a little less than a mouse-length taller. Her ears didn't have kit-fuzz like his did. He looked her up and down, examining the white and soft brown tones of her pelt. Her feet, tail, back and ears all had brown patches which were outlined by a darker brown.

She giggled at him. "Wh--who are you?" Flattening his ears, Gear locked his gaze firmly onto her own, making sure he didn't look or seem frightened. The femme only giggled softly once more, her eyes bright.

"My name is Ferret! And yourself?" Her accent was yet again very warm. It made him want to curl up on a nice, warm nest of blankets and let it soothe him to sleep. Shaking his pelt so it fluffed out in attempt to seem bigger, the tom blinked.

"Gear." He didn't hesitate, and the almost-too-happy kit made him worry that he should have. His tail flicked to the left, and then the right, making jerky movements in a signal that he didn't know how to feel or react to the kit.

She bounced on her toes, circling him, and just as quickly Gear whirled on his paws to make sure his eyes never left her. "That's a cool name!" She squealed. He blinked, confused as to how a cat could be so excited when they were that close to the city.

Stopping in her joyful dance, Ferret watched him with wide, flickering eyes. He stared back emptily, rounded eyes lit with the slightest hint of confusion - and perhaps interest. "Thanks..."

"You smell like city." She leaned towards him, touching her nose to his cheek and inhaling. He reluctantly nodded, and she drew back. "Is it as bad as everyone claims?"

"Yes." He didn't hesitate this time. This kit clearly understood how the city was. Most of it, that is. "It's horrible. Don't go in there."

"I don't." She sat down, draping her tail neatly over her delicate paws. "I've never been this close to it, actually. I'm a kittypet, and I live in a small twoleg town over there," she nodded towards the left of them, and Gear nodded.

"Is it nice?" His head cocked to the side a little, and Ferret nodded.

"Yes, I like it there. I have some friends - you should meet them sometime!" The white and brown kit bounced back up to her feet, prancing in a circle around him. "There's Jude, and Paine! They're nice!"

Gear looked away, towards the city. His soft, brown eyes were darkened with slight reluctance. Ferret frowned, and he turned to head back. He didn't want to, but... if he wasn't home soon, his mother would be anxious. He hated seeing her worried; and after all that happened to them, he would hate to see her afraid that her son had either been killed, kidnapped or recruited in a gang of rogue felines.

"I--I've gotta go now, Ferret." He said her names in hopes that she'd take it as a symbol of his trust towards her, but it seemed to tug at her heart. She took a step towards him, her ears flattening to her skull as she whimpered slightly.

"Aw, do you need to?" She pouted at him, and he sighed. He wanted to stay. He nodded slowly and turned his head to look at her, almost scared that she'd react in a way similar to his father when he didn't stick to her side. Memories flickered back, and he shuddered as he felt her muzzle pressing into his cheek. "...okay... I'll be around the forest now and then, we... we can see each other again...?"

Her happy attitude was changed entirely all because he had to go find his mother - whom would be crushed if he didn't return. Gear nodded and then without another word, he lunged away, back into the concrete walls and asphalt flooring of the city.

As he ran, he turned to glance over his shoulder at Ferret. She turned and headed towards the left. I hope she goes home safe. Glancing up at the sky, which still held the heat of sun, he pushed further until he felt his paws slam upon cracked pavement of a sidewalk. And I hope my own home is safe for another night...

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