Brotherhood - Sin

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Y'all remember Axel? Sin is his brother! This is from Sin's POV, and takes place when Axel is 17 - he was 15 in the previous story written about him. Sin is 30, and his daughters are 15.

Sin leaned back against the stone wall of the main hall, his pale green eyes dark as he sighed. Beside him were his daughters, Chloe and Lucy, both looking distraught.

"Are you sure about it, dad?" Lucy looked up at him and he nodded slowly.

Almost breathless, he hesitated a little. "I... I think so." Sin ran a hand through his hair, shakily inhaling before exhaling and looking over towards his father.

The taller man was sharpening his knife, which was still stained with blood. Sin grimaced and looked away.

I refuse to let Axel live like this. I've got to help him out. He stared with narrowed eyes down at his feet. What type of brother just sits there? And... Chloe and Lucy... he let his eyes widen as if just realizing something amazing. No. They're my daughters, it's my own plight to take care of them, not Axel's.

With a small grunt, he heaved himself to his feet. The girls rose too, and Sin made his way towards the camp entrance where his brother was settled. He was leaning back against the wall, and when Sin saw his situation he frowned.

"Now what?" Axel looked up. His hands were - yet again - handcuffed behind his back and hooked against the wall. Luckily his feet were free; Sin knew for a fact he'd have a fit if they weren't. "Bruno send you to rip me apart again?"

He almost rolled his eyes. Axel was only there because Bruno had decided to do something 'fun'. He'd been there the past three days, and it had been assigned for Sin to feed him. That was, when nobody decided to tease him with food or kick him around.

Sin crouched beside him, motioning for the girls to go somewhere else. They obeyed and trailed away together, leaving the brothers alone. "No," he mumbled. "I'm not here to mess with you. I thought of something." Axel didn't looked convinced. "You've... you have to run away, Axel."

His brother huffed as if laughing. If he'd quit his sarcastic attitude...

His eyes were dull as he looked away from Sin, scanning the camp. "I don't want to be here--"

"Good so let's get you out of here." Sin butted in quickly.

"--but," he shot him a glare, "as much as I like the idea of being freed, do you realize how dumb that is? If they see that I'm gone, they're gonna send someone after me." Axel tried moving, wincing as his shoulder moved in an uncomfortable way. "It's inevitable."

"You've got a point." Sin reached over to hold his arms in place as he shifted to get in a better position.


"Yeah." Sin sighed and looked away, checking on where his daughters had gone. "I understand what you mean... but, then I can't go with you. Won't that make it worse?" Axel only shrugged in response, and Sin rolled his eyes. He almost grinned. "You're so stubborn."

"Mhm." He leaned back and shut his eyes. "There's nowhere to go anyway."

"You'd find some place, Axel. You're a smart kid."

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