What's Done is Done - Raya

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"You know the plan, Raya?"

The ginger she-cat lifted her head from her paws, watching the sandy grey and white tom as he stopped his pacing to stare down into her eyes. She hesitated, trying to recall ever listening to him as he spoke to her about the plan. What plan? Oh - right, the plan...

"Yeah." She responded blankly, her ears twitching. His eyes narrowed down at her, as if trying to figure out why she didn't seem so sure. "I do. Sorry, Mick, I'm just--"

"You still care for him, don't you?" Mick growled slowly, and Raya tensed, preparing for a sharp cuff over the ear. The tom seemed to loosen up, stepping forward and licking her cheek affectionately.

She didn't know if she really appreciated the gesture.

"No, I don't." Raya murmured, her tail flicking. It brushed the wall of the alley and she shivered, drawing it back to her side.

Raya wasn't sure if that was a lie, or half the truth. But half the truth was a whole lie, so...

If I could only wrap my head around this whole matter I could really mean what I say to Mick, but I don't know anymore. Gear was mine, and I was his, but... I feel like now he doesn't care about me at all. I still care, I--I do... but...

Mick was lapping at her ear. Raya flicked it, turning her gaze away from him. He frowned at her.

"Raya, don't you wa--"

"I'm tired." She interrupted him, not wanting to discuss whether or not she cared for him. She just didn't want him to the be the one - especially because of what could happen if something went wrong with his decisions and she ended up getting herself killed.

Mick sat down, dipping his head and nipping at her nape. She rolled to her side, a paw reached out near his chest so she could push him away if he advanced. Her eyes narrowed in warning and he growled slightly, clearly frustrated. Rising to his paws again, Mick turned and headed to the front of the alley, staring out into the streets. His haunches lowered to the ground and he shook his head.

"I don't understand you, Raya." He muttered. She stood and trailed over to sit beside him, far away so that their pelts wouldn't touch. "I just don't."

She turned her head away, ears going hot with embarrassment. She wasn't really ashamed about what he was telling her, just nervous that one day she would say no again and he'd end up throwing a fit. That... wouldn't end well, considering all the threats she got thrown at her when he wasn't pleased.

"I know..."

He rose to his feet and walked away, a sign that the conversation was over. Shadows of buildings cast over his pelt as the sun was beginning to set. He turned a corner, and Raya took the flick of his tail as a sign that she should follow him. She stood, hurrying after him. His ears perked, the fading sunlight outlining his figure mesmerizing her.

Anything to get her mind off what was happening with Gear.

She had to remember the plan though; if she messed up, Mick wouldn't let her forget about it. That was one thing she couldn't let slip.

Mick jumped over a fallen trash can, and Raya inhaled to see if she recognized the cat who had knocked it over. Delgado? A white flash went past beneath the shadows of the alley beside the can and Raya nodded to herself, jumping after her companion.

He kept going along the sidewalk, and she was making sure to stay fairly close to him as the sky grew completely dark. The streetlights flickered on, and Raya started noticing shadows of cats diving through other alleys and moving swiftly along. The streets grew empty, all humans disappearing into their shelters for the night. The small stores all had their lights off, the houses going dark except the occasional lamp or outdoor light flickering through Raya's sight.

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