Ur So Gay - BoyxBoy

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I purposely put "Ur" in the title, because it's inspired by Katy Perry's song, Ur So Gay, it's kind of my favourite.



I'm walking down the halls of the school, hugging my binder, notebook, and novel to my chest. My converse slap against the ground with every step, my eyes scanning the hallway for somewhere that I can shelter from the constant moving of the other students. I need to send my father a text, and it's kind of impossible to tear my eyes away from the sea of kids.

I find a small space: a corner between a classroom door and the end of a row of lockers. I quickly veer to the right, forcing my fairly thin frame into the space. I pull my phone out of my jeans pocket, leaning against the side of the final locker. I don't even get the chance to turn my phone on, though, because something grips me by the front of my hoodie, yanking me forward.

"Whoa--!" I look up to see who's holding me, only to see the face of a familiar, infamous boy of the school. "...Phoenix Hunt." I don't know if he'll like a 'nerdy boy' like me saying his name straight to his face, but he'll just have to deal with it. If he can deal punches, he should be perfectly capable of taking them.

"Darn straight." He has a slight scowl on his face as he stares at me. I'm not necessarily frightened, but I'm not looking forward to finding out what type of favour he wants from me, or why I'm all of a sudden the one he's holding by the hoodie. "And you're Colin Reynolds."

I don't say anything, I just give a brief, dismissing nod of my head. "So now that we're done with formalities, you can let go."

Phoenix doesn't look pleased by my attitude. He tightens his grip on my sweater and glares harder into my eyes. "Stop using big words, nerd boy." He snaps. I don't blink, just keep my eyes level with his. "You hear about that party on Saturday night?"

"The one coming up?" I know that there's a kid in this school who doesn't stop throwing these huge parties every Saturday possible; which have been frequent nowadays. I think their parents are away somewhere.

"That one." Phoenix confirms. I nod to answer him and for one split second I think I see some reluctance in his eyes.

Phoenix? Hesitating? No way.

"Why? Need a girlfriend? Because if so, you're out of luck. I don't have one." I know the reasons he's so well known at this school. One is that he likes to grab whatever girl he finds so that he doesn't go to a party alone. Kind of pathetic.

"No. No," he glances towards the window of the door beside us and I feel the smallest bit of fear creeping up my body. Is he checking for teachers? He's never hurt me, but I don't look forward to the first time it happens. "But you need to come."

I feel myself tense. Is he planning to ambush me?

"Why? I thought nerds didn't go to parties." He shrugs a bit as I ask, and it only helps to increase my confusion.

"They don't. But this ones about to, right?" He seems to wake himself up out of whatever doubt he was facing, his gaze hardening into a full stare and locking itself back onto my eyes.

"Umm..." I'm unsure if I should tell him I will. "What if I don't?" I furrow my brows, and he almost stutters.

"Listen, nerd boy, I hate skipping lunch, and your monthly supply of lunch money is something I'd hate to continue taking." He sarcastically says, as if I should've known. I bite my tongue as I try thinking of what else to ask him. If I knew why he wanted me at that party it would be so much easier.

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