VII • 7

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It was Sunday. You were glad you didn't have to go to work. Jim was always there, and while he was your friend, his presence always made you think about Sherlock.
You couldn't deny the fact that you liked the consulting detective. It was Jim's pronouncement of Sherlock's love for you that rattled you. Sherlock didn't love anyone. Not like that.

You had just finished brewing a pot and had curled up with a cuppa and your favourite book.
Your flat had become more cozy since you'd actually decorated. For the first few weeks after the down payment, you still stayed primarily in B.
You eventually got around to moving your furniture from your old flat in Scotland, and arranged it all just the way you liked it in 221C.

Just as you opened your old worn out copy of The Hobbit to read for the third time, Sherlock burst through the door.
You jumped and your tea splashed everywhere.
"Bloody-! Sher-loock!" You glared at him. He didn't even notice.
"We've got a good one!" He proclaimed, his eyes wild. He looked as though he'd been running, or at least pacing violently.
"Sherlock! Do you not see the problem here?" You were still on the sofa, the spilled tea soaking into your shirt. You had tried your best to wipe it off the pages of your beloved book, but there would still be some collateral damage.
Sherlock looked you over, once, twice. Only then did he notice.
"Oh. I'm.. Sorry?" He asked it, as though he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to say.
You wanted to stay mad at him, but found yourself incapable. He honestly didn't know better, and it was adorable.
"Oh Sherl..." You got up, smiling. You couldn't call him by his full name when he was being cute. It was too serious.
"What about a good one?"
"Ah! Yes!" His excitement was back. "As always, my inbox is bursting with inquiries, mostly boring, but this one caught my eye. It's from a respected Major of the Northumberland Fusiliers. He needs me to find the person who's been blackmailing him for the past ten years. You coming?" He looked at you expectantly.
"Yeah, why not?" You gave a half smile, knowing that this had just claimed your last day off of work for a week. Still, you always enjoyed working with Sherlock.
You laid your book out to dry and rinsed what was left of your tea down the drain. It was cold now anyway.
You went to your room to change, despite impatient Sherlock in your front doorway. He'd have to learn patience one way or another. You changed out of your lazy clothes into practical jeans and a clean shirt. You grabbed a jacket, then took some time to lace up your Converse. Shoving your phone into your pocket and pulling your jacket on, you made your way back to the living room.
"Ready." You announced. At least I'm going on an adventure... You thought to yourself, as you shot a glance toward your book.
Sherlock grinned from his place in the doorway, then turned on his heel and headed out the door.
You followed, still bewildered by his ability to act like a sensible adult one moment, then a giddy child the next.

It was a three minute walk to Baker Street Tube Station, so the two of you headed that way on foot. You glanced at Sherlock as you walked, seeing the excitement and adrenaline that pumped through his veins underneath the determined mask he wore. You knew he hadn't found a case that interested him this much for quite some time, and you were glad he was back out doing what he loved, even if it would take up the rest of your day off.
It was so much better than the alternative.
You knew about the drugs. You knew that he'd been clean for some time, but that he was at risk of starting again every time he'd fall into depression-inducing boredom.
He still smoked, something you wished he would quit as well, but you knew that it would be far better if he didn't take up the syringe again.

He turned and looked at you, raising his eyebrows. "What?" He asked, knowing you'd been glancing at him every few moments.
"Nothing. Just thinking."
He narrowed his eyes, looking you over for a split second, then looking back towards his path. "We're nearly there." Was all he said.

The two of you soon entered the station and waited to board the train heading out of Marylebone.

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