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Sherlock's POV:

I felt you staring at me and couldn't help but wonder what was going through your mind. I didn't turn, but I saw you glance at your watch and I saw the expression of shock that followed.
"You don't have to stay up." I said, still staring ahead.
"No, it's okay." You replied, stifling a yawn.
"(F/N). You're tired."
"Not really." You said, unconvincingly. Now I turned, my eyebrows raised.
You sagged. "Fine." You looked at me a moment longer. "What about you?"
I smiled. "I'll be alright."
"You sure?" You looked slightly concerned.
"Mmhmm." I spread out your bag and unzipped it, patting it so you'd get in. I then took my coat and rolled it up, placing it under your head.
"Keep it." You said, trying to give it back.
"No." I said. "Making you sleep on the ground is bad enough."
You frowned. "You didn't make me. I wanted to come."
"Hush." I said, zipping up your bag and giving you a quick kiss. "Goodnight (F/N). Go to sleep."

Your POV:

You rolled over, nestling your cheek in the familiar feel of his coat. You heard him mutter something to himself, and just the sound of his voice made you fall even deeper into the warm embrace of sleep.

Sherlock's POV:

I was finally starting to nod off, having let my guard down, when I heard it. I looked up, suddenly fully awake. I saw nothing in the direction of the cabin, and nothing to either side. You were still fast asleep, tangled up in both your sleeping bag and my coat. I only allowed myself one smile before I once again directed my full attention to the problem at hand. I looked at my watch.
5:00 am.
As soon as I looked up, I heard the noise again, like a door opening and then shutting again. This time a woman and three children stood on the verandah. Mrs. Connor and the Cairn children, I was sure. I glanced at your sleeping form again. I didn't want to wake you, but I knew you'd never forgive me if I went at this alone. I shook your shoulder gently. You opened your eyes and blinked several times before seemingly realising what, or rather who, had woken you.
I pressed my finger to your lips, cutting you off. "Shh. They're right over there." I jabbed my free hand toward the cabin. Your eyes widened and you nodded. I took my hand away and you sat up.
We were close enough to hear her speaking to the oldest girl. "Keep an eye on your sisters, hon. I need to go talk to Mr. Oliver."
I saw her nod then take each girl by the hand and walk off.
"Don't let them out of your sight. I'm going to go listen in." I whispered to you. You looked disappointed but I knew it was best in the long run. "This will all be for nothing if we can't find them." I reminded you. "Alright." You nodded.
I turned to my bag and produced a pull over sweatshirt with
"I ♥ London" printed across the front. It was cheesy, but it was touristy. "I thought I might need this." I grinned.
"At least tell me your plan." You pleaded.
I laid out the details quickly. "When we examined the cabin last night I noted the exact places I could stand without being seen from any of the windows."
"How?" You asked, slightly awed.
"Don't worry about it. There's not time to explain the math. I'm going to go try to overhear their conversation, but if I get caught I'm a lost American tourist."
You shook your head with a smile. "Be careful please."
"I will." I assured you.
"If only you had Gollum's ring." You muttered.
"What?" I turned to look at you.
"Nothing. Fictional reference. Go on."
I rolled my eyes. "Fiction is useless in life or death situations. In fact, it's useless in most instances."
"I know. Sorry." You smiled.
I shook my head again and left the tent. I knew I only had a few seconds to make it to my destination unseen, and I took advantage of each one. I was now flat against the wall, halfway between two of the four windows. I could just barely hear the conversation inside. It was Mrs Connor who I heard first. "But why them? You know how much I love them."
Now the distinctly American voice of the cook- Mr Oliver I supposed- spoke, irritation evident. "You know exactly why, Brenda. I'm training you and you need to ignore your sentiments if you ever hope to succeed."
"And what if I don't want to?" She shot back.
"Let's not be rash, Brenda. You can't back out now."
"Watch me!" She challenged.
"Even if you quit, I'm still going to follow through. This is our endgame, and one doesn't just stop before carrying it out! I'll be at the riverside with the kids this evening, whether you come or not." I could hear the threat in his voice.
There was a long silence, then she sighed. "Fi-" She stopped. "Harrison, there's someone outside."
"Well go see who it is!" He commanded.
There was the slight shuffle of her footsteps and she opened the door.
I stood in front of it now, having fully transformed into my tourist disguise.
"Oh hello! I was just about to knock." I exaggerated my American accent.
She narrowed her eyes. "What do you want?"
"Oh thank you, thank you! You see, I'm here on vacation and I'm afraid I've gotten myself hopelessly lost. Could you maybe direct me to the nearest Subway?" I chewed my lip nervously.
"You're a lost American and you want to go to a sandwich shop?" She asked, incredulous.
"What? No! Oh what do you call it?" I pretended to think for a long moment. "You see, I'm from New York... tube! Yes, that's it. Could you direct me to the nearest tube station?"
She rolled her eyes. "Right. You'll need to follow the path to the road and catch a cab. They'll bring you."
"Thank you! Thank you so much, miss." I gave her a big smile and turned away.
Perfect. I now knew the time and place. That was even more than I'd hoped for.

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