XXV • 25

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Kenzie kept you out all day.
"I've not been to London in years and it'll probably be a long time till I come again." She argued.
You looked offended. "You're not going to come see me again for a long time?"
"Don't taint my argument." She looked at you and laughed.
You rolled your eyes with a smile. "Alright, but Bowie is gonna need to go out sometime soon and I can guarantee Sherlock didn't take him."
She laughed again. "Okay. We can go back to the flat to let him out if you promise that I won't have to lug you back out the door."
The two of you were eating at the café where you worked.
"I promise. We're half a mile away right now."

You finished up your tea and the two of you walked over to your flat.
"I'll only be a minute, I promise."
You ran in and up the stairs.
The door to B was shut, and you knocked lightly. It was usually only shut entirely for clients.
It was silent as far as you could tell. You cracked it open a bit and peeked inside. No one.
You opened it further and stepped in.
"Sherlock?" No answer.
"Bowie!" Sometimes he slept under beds or behind chairs.
He didn't come running. He always responded to you.
You looked around for a note. It wasn't strange for Sherlock to leave without notice, although for the last couple of weeks he'd been pretty good about texting you.
You found no note, but Sherlock's phone was lying on the table.
He never left his phone.
Well, rarely.
You remembered last night at the pool with a shudder.
This is really strange. You thought with a frown.
You went back downstairs and you were about to leave when you caught sight of a note on the door of your flat.
I took him out

There wasn't much context but you knew Sherlock's handwriting and you knew what he meant. You smiled.
Opening the door you saw Bowie asleep by the bed. He lifted his head when you opened the door and got up to greet you.
"Hey there buddy, you need anything?" He didn't seem to be in want of anything. He seemed happy to just accept your scratching of his ears. "Do you need to go out?" You asked him. He looked at you, but didn't get excited like usual.
"Okay." You smiled at him. He was such a good dog.
He can't have been gone long

You said goodbye to Bowie and shut the door, then went back out to the sidewalk where Kenzie was waiting.
"All this time and you didn't even take him out?" She looked at you with a half smirk.
"Sherlock's gone, and he actually did take Bowie out. It's very unlike him to remember little things like that, especially if he was excited for a case." You sounded troubled.
"I'm sure it's fine. From how he greeted Bowie the first day, I'll assume he's had a dog before."
"Yeah he has. I'm just slightly concerned, he nearly always tells me when he's going out, and he always brings his phone. It's on the kitchen table." You bit your lip, but shook it off. "Whatever. He's probably at a crime scene somewhere."

You allowed Kenzie to tote you around central London for the next couple of hours.
By 5:00 you insisted you needed to go buy food. "I'm gonna starve if I don't get something soon, Kenz."
"Okay okay, you little buzz kill." She grinned and you rolled your eyes.
"It's only a couple of miles away, wench. Let's go." You hailed a cab and directed it to the local grocer.

It was 6:30 by the time the two of you got back to Baker street with your food.
Kenzie helped you put your groceries away, then you went upstairs to check on Sherlock.
He must be back by now. You thought.
He wasn't.
Still no note, his phone in the same spot. Now you really were worried.
John came down the stairs from his room.
"Oh, hey (F/N)."
"Hey." You responded, distracted.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Sherlock has been gone all day, and he didn't take his phone. Have you seen him?"
"No, I assumed he was with you."
"I was out with Kenzie." You frowned.
"That's strange." He looked thoughtful. "Well, you know him, he's probably off doing what he does and he forgot about everything else."
"I figured that when I came back at one, but he'd taken Bowie outside, which I'd never asked him to do, and he'd left his phone. I don't know, I'm probably too worried." You bit your lip and looked away.
"Tell you what, we can look around if he's not back by tomorrow evening, OK?"
You went back downstairs and flopped onto your bed.
"Everything alright?" Kenzie asked.
"Yeah, it's just Sherlock's still not back."
"You miss him, don't you?" She smirked.
"Maybe," You smiled, "but I am worried about him too."
"I think he can take care of himself, (N/N)."
"Before I wouldn't have doubted that. But Moriarty said, and I quote, 'This is hardly over. We are not through, you and I.' I'm just overly worried I guess." "I think he's probably alright, kiddo." You smiled. She had called you that ever since you'd met. It was a comfort to you at this point.

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