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It felt so much better- with this weight off your chest. The weight you'd not even really known was there; at least not how incredibly heavy it had actually been.
"Yeah?" He looked at you from across the sofa.
"Have you gotten any more ideas for the case?"
"I went to the river yesterday. I didn't find much. What do you think about the folks at the children's home?"
You felt almost like he was quizzing you rather than inquiring of you.
"I didn't much like the cook."
He nodded. "What about Mrs Connor?"
"She seemed genuinely distraught."
He shook his head. "No, she was faking."
"What makes you say so?" You asked, quizzically.
"Think about it." He seemed to want you to figure it out. You decided to accept the challenge. "Close your eyes. Now, what happened when you first got there?"
You did as he instructed, trying to remember. "I knocked. And she opened the door."
"Okay, what next?"
"She had a kid beside her. William. He had dark curly hair. Made me think of you." You grinned and opened your eyes, seeing the corner of his mouth lift up in a small smile as well. "After that. Don't get distracted."
You closed your eyes again. "Uhmm, I told a white lie." You responded, sheepishly. "And she let me in." You shut your eyes tighter, trying to remember. "When I said I was there to investigate the murders, she seemed really, terribly upset." You opened your eyes once again. "I was just asking her a few more questions when you came in."
"You did a fine job in the questioning, but think about her body language, facial expressions. She was laying it on far too thick. And she let you in without question, am I right? Anyone could have knocked on the door and said they were there to investigate. For all she knew you were the murderer. Unless she knew who it really was."
You considered this. He'd been doing this far longer than you and you knew he was much better at reading people.  "You're right. So what do we do now?" He ignored your admitting that he was right, rather than gloating. "We need to be casual. Pretend we're not suspicious at all. I'm willing to bet the cook is dominant. He recruited her."
You blanched. "How could anyone agree to such a thing?"
He shook his head. "The world is full of nasty people. It doesn't matter where you go, you'll find murderers and psychopaths and cheaters and stalkers." He sighed, then looked thoughtful. "Speaking of stalkers, don't worry too much, but I think I've got one."
"Don't worry too much?" You asked, incredulous. "Sherlock, that's serious!"
"I don't know for sure." He said, almost as if he were defending himself. "I'll give it due attention when it becomes relevant. I just wanted you to know."
You sighed. "Alright. Thank you." You looked at him. "What if he's stalking me too?"
He looked away. "We'll deal with it together when the time comes. Right now we just need to focus on finding these girls."
You nodded, but seemed distracted. "Yeah."
You looked up. "What?"
"Please don't let it worry you too much, love. Just trust me, remember?"
You sighed again, then smiled a little, giving up your angst. "Okay."
He smiled. "That's my girl."
You sat in silence for several moments before you remembered your initial conversation. "What're we going to do about the girls?" You asked again.
He sighed. "I honestly don't know."
"Maybe we both just need a break."
He looked almost scared, so you continued quickly. "From the case I mean, to refuel our brains."
He exhaled in relief. "I don't know (F/N), what if we don't have time?" He looked conflicted.
"I feel like we would be wasting more time trying to figure out something that we have no leads on. I think it's best."
Finally, he nodded. "Alright. What do you suggest?"
"No clue." You gave a half smile.
"Well we'd already established that, you just said we have no lea-"
"It's an expression, Sherlock." You grinned.
"Oh. Right." He paused a moment, then, "Cluedo?" His eyes sparkled.
You smiled again. "Why not?"
He jumped up with a grin. "John never plays with me."
"I can't imagine why." You smirked at him.
"I don't cheat." He defended himself.
"I never said you did."
"You implied it."
"I should've known the detective would pick up on the subtle hints."
"So you were accusing me of cheating." He pulled the game off the top shelf of a cupboard.
"Don't worry, I'm perfectly capable of cheating myself."
He turned with a smirk. "If we both cheat it's called changing the rules of the game."
"Exactly. Therefore I wasn't accusing you so much as just making an honest statement."
"Fine then. Let's see who's a better cheater." He laid the board out with a smirk.
"Challenge accepted."

Organised Chaos - Sherlock x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz