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It took four brutal days before Zoe was allowed to be released with one condition from Dr Divini; she would be under around-the-clock surveillance from her family.

Zoe's memory had not returned, and with the doctors not ruling out suicide, she wouldn't be left alone for some time. When Zoe was told she wasn't allowed to be alone anymore, she didn't mind. Her vision was still at its worst, so having someone to help her was a necessity in everyone's eyes.

Zoe was getting used to the loss of her sight. It was a challenge to relearn every turn and sunken board in the house. She had had her meltdowns that led to asthma attacks again, and her bumps and bruises, but she always had her brothers there.

After the fight in the hospital, only Elliot and Bella were talking to their mother. Pete had moved in with Ava and Hollie so he wouldn't have to be around Mari, and Leon, Luca and Zoe avoided their mother like she held a deadly, contagious disease.

Hollie hadn't visited Zoe since she had gotten home and Zoe was becoming irritated at her sister too now. Zoe loved spending time with Hollie, especially since she moved out over two years ago.

Now, Zoe had been struggling at home for a week and her vision was still as black as when she woke. She still had her weekly check-ups with Dr Divini but there was nothing he could do to speed the process up anyway.

Zoe and Bella were content in their room, sitting on the twin bed while creating adventures for their millions of stuffed toys. Although, Zoe was more listening to Bella's imaginary tales than actually participating.

"No, Zo, Lulu can't go there." Bella sighed dramatically. "She has to be able to face Hummel, not sit beside him."

Hummel and Lulu were just two of the girls many, many names for their animals. Hummel was Zoe's absolute favourite bear that she still took everywhere. Lulu was just as precious to Bella, even though they both thought each other to be too old for teddies. But, apparently, Zoe wasn't playing her part right in Bella's story.

"It doesn't matter," Zoe groaned. She hated being bossed around, especially by Bella.

"Of course it does!" Bella sounded like she was in shock. "Hummel can't just-"

Bella was cut off by Mary opening their door. "What are my rascals up to?"

"Mum," Zoe complained. She dipped her head so her eyes wouldn't roam the room pointlessly. "Were in the middle of a game."

Mari frowned. It hurt her every time Zoe pushed her away. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to interrupt, I just wanted to tell you girls something."

Bella brightened. She was excited to hear what her mother was going to say. Did she bake cupcakes? Maybe she was going to let them play in the forest again? Or perhaps she was going to stay home tomorrow? Bella was fine with any.

"I thought that my little girls have had some hard times lately," Mari paused to sit at the end of the bed. "I've apologised for my actions in the hospital. But I can't bear for my family to be spilt and angry at each other." Mari looked at Zoe to see her reaction.

"I want us to be a family again, which means we all have to do something together so we can forgive each other."

"I want to see Pete and Ava and Hollie again," Bella said.

"So do I, Bella," Mari said. "Zo? What'd you think? You going to make an effort?"

"I'd like to be a family again," Zoe muttered.

Mari's face broke into a smile; gracious her daughter was finally co-operating. "Now, I don't know about you guys, but I think it's the perfect day to go swim in the water."

Oh ZoeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora