Chapter 4

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Hadith on Truthfulness: Honesty leads to Paradise, dishonesty leads to Hell

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "You must be truthful. Verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man continues to be truthful and encourages honesty until he is recorded with Allah as truthful. And beware of falsehood. Verily, falsehood leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Hellfire. A man continues tell lies and encourages falsehood until he is recorded with Allah as a liar."

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5743, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2607


Shifa's POV

I think this week is gonna be a long week. Yesterday after dinner I, Alishba and Anaya went to my bedroom and we talked a lot.

"So, what are your plans after 12th." Anaya asked me

"Travel and tourism" I replied with a lot of excitement.

We talked a lot on random stuffs like this and guess what!, we slept at three in the morning.

And now I regret talking about a lot as I missed my Fajr and I got so much shoutings and lectures from mom about sleeping on time and of course! She related this with marriage, the topic which I hate the most. Ugh!!!

Then I remembered that today is friday and we have to go for Jumu'ah prayer. So I took a shower and got dressed up and went down to eat breakfast. After breakfast I wore Abaya and we all went for praying Jumu'ah in the masjid.

After lunch we all are sitting in the living room. Mom and Amina Aunty are in the kitchen, Dad and Furqan Uncle went out. So only me, Anaya, Alishba, Asif and Hadi are sitting.

Anaya suggested that we will play truth or dare, and everyone agreed.

We all sat on the floor in a circle. I sat in between Asif and Alishba.

"The top part of the bottle is the question and the bottom is the answer" Asif explained.

Asif spinned the bottle and it landed on me and Anaya. I got to ask the question and Anaya got to answer.

"Truth or dare" I asked.


I thought for a moment and said "blindfold make up".


"You have to choose someone among us and he/she will blindfold their eyes and will put make up on you.....Ok?!!" I explained Anaya.

"No yaar, give me some other dare, I don't want to spoil my face" she said with a pout.

"No, we are not going to listen any excuses, you are supposed to do whatever is given to you..." Hadi said.

"Ok!!... Fine. I choose Alishba to do my make up" she said with a sad smile.

I brought my make up box from my room and passed it to Alishba. She started doing Anaya's make up with a dupatta tied on her eyes.

"Anaya is looking beautiful" after the make up was done, Asif said with lot of sarcasm in his voice.

We all were trying to control our laugh while Alishba was putting make up on her face.....But now.....we couldn't control anymore so we all bursted laughing and she was glaring at us.

"It's alright if you don't want to wash your face as you are looking really beautiful" Alishba said to tease her. And then she ran out of the room looking embarrassed and we all again started to laugh.

Then Alishba spun the bottle and unfortunately, it landed on me and Hadi.

I got to answer the question and he got to ask the question.

"Truth or dare" he asked me

"Truth" I answered him

"Umm....Ok....." he smirked at me "when you were coming from school I saw you crying, and what was that for.....?"

I got really angry that I felt like punching him right on his smirk.

Everyone's eyes were on me with a confused look, I can't lie so anyway I have to tell the truth. "because Yasir sir shouted at me" I tried not to have eye contact with anyone.

"But! why?..." Asif asked me with a concerned look.

"He asked me only one question and I answered..enough, now no more questions..."

Then we played for some more time and had a lot of fun.....


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