Chapter 6

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Hadeeth on revenge:

Allamah Abul Qasim Qushairi said: "A friend of Allah does not take revenge, and one who takes revenge can never be a friend of Allah."


Shifa's POV

In the morning when I got up for school, I just told myself that I would come back from school and we would start our revenge.....

Today was really tiring. I got two free periods but I was busy completing my homework so that I could spend time with my cousins.....THE REVENGE....I smiled evilly to myself....

I was really tired that I entered my house and collapsed on the sofa. The house was silent, then I remembered that my mom had told me that she, dad, uncle and aunt would go out. So it's only us in the house....

Suddenly Asif came to the living room and looked at me, smiled and said "Assalamualaikum Shifa...."

"Walaikum Assalam, " I said in a tired voice.

"What happened? You look tired!, You want water..?" I was shocked because he never asks me anything like that or if I ask him, he would not do anything for me. So I looked deeply into his eyes to see if he is really concerned about me or just to make me fool. But his eyes showed the concern for me, so I nod.

He brought a glass of water and when I took the first sip, the water was very salty but I didn't change my expression.

Asif you are going to be a fool now. Wait and see....!!

I thought this would be the best time to prank Asif and Hadi. I thought I would drink the water and act like fainting.

I drank the whole water and got up from the sofa and kept the glass on the table and acted as if I lost my balance.

I heard Hadi shout "Shifa...." And I saw Asif came running towards me from the corner of my eyes. Before I fell flat on the ground, Asif caught me.

Yes!! It worked....!!!!

Then he carried me and made me lie on the sofa. He shook me "Shifa....Shifa....get up...." he was really panicking. I really wanted to laugh at that moment. " Hadi.... bring water" I heard him say.

I heard Anaya and Alishba "What happened to Shifa...?" They also didn't know that I am acting.

"Actually I and Asif had planned to give salt water to her so she drank and fainted" I heard Hadi admitting in a guilty voice.

"She is not getting up...we need to call someone.." Asif said.

Now I couldn't control myself that I got up and sat straight on the sofa. Four pairs of eyes were staring in shock but here I was laughing like anything. Between my laughter, I looked at Anaya and Alishba and winked at them trying to say that I was pranking them. So they also started laughing with me.

Asif and Hadi said something under their breath and stomped away. And here we couldn't stop laughing after seeing their worried looks.....

"That was awesome...Shifa..." Anaya said between her laughter

"Yes...yes... you are a great know...!!" Alishba said.



Hadi's POV

Today, I got really scared by seeing Asif's expression I was feeling guilty because I was the one who gave him the idea of making her drink salt water.

If only I had known that she was pranking on us, I would not have felt 0.00001% of guilt. She is a big drama queen.

Oh! Allah!!!

At night, I was going to my room. Actually, I come down in the kitchen to drink water. I switched off the lights and was heading back to my room.

I suddenly bumped into someone and heard a scream. I couldn't see the person but I recognized the voice...

It was SHIFA!!!

She switched on the flashlight on her phone.

"Excuse me... who are you?" She directed the flashlight to my face, "You??.... what are you doing here at this time??"

"What are you doing here??" I asked her. How dare is she to ask me like that.

"I asked you first, so answer," she said angrily.

"No.. you answer first," I said gritting my teeth in anger.

"NO, YOU" she said pointing her index finger at me.






"NOT YOU" She said unknowingly.

"Oh!! Ok... so you agreed to say.... so tell me, why are you here in the middle of the night??" I said with triumph feeling.

"No....That's not....." she was cut off by Asif.

"What the hell is happening here?" He said with a confused look.

"Asif...She...." I trailed off as Shifa also said at the same time. "Asif...He....." And we both looked each other.

"What rubbish are you doing here....Go and sleep both of you..." He said with an annoyed look.

We both just went apart giving each other death glares.


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