Chapter 22

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When Allah's Messenger (SAW) was asked which woman was best, he (SAW) replied, "The one who pleases (her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when he gives a command, and does not go against his wishes regarding her person or property by doing anything of which he disapproves."


Shifa's POV

We reached OUR house. I can't belive that I have to share everything with him.

Anaya and Alishba escorted me to the house. Anaya's in laws were also there and at 9'clock pm they left, leaving Anaya and Junaid with us.

I miss Furqaan Uncle and Amina Aunty. I wanted them to be here with us. But whatever happens, happens for good. Allah is the best planner.

I don't know... For a moment I am just craving for panipuri....
I think my monthly cycle is near...

"Let's have a competition... of who can eat more panipuri?" Jiju suggested

Oh My Allah!! I am on cloud nine....

"I don't want to compete so I will just eat, Okay?" Alishba said

"No... No... you have to compete" Jiju said

"No please, I am not in a mood of eating... I am full... Because I ate dinner... I will not be able to eat more than three".

"It's okay... Junaid leave her" Anaya said

"As my wife told me I will agree with it" Jiju said looking at her and then he blowed a kiss towards her.

"Ewww..... stop..... Romance is a crime in public" Alishba said making a disgusting face.

"Ok let's get started" I said exitedly.

I was enjoying my panipuri's . After eating five panipuris Anaya gave up.

After eating the 7th panipuri, I couldn't eat anymore. I took the 8th one but kept it there.

"I give up" I said keeping a hand on my stomach.

"Seriously?" Jiju asked me with full mouth.

I nodded. I don't know how can they eat so much after eating dinner at our reception.

Till now, Hadi ate 10 and Jiju also ate 10. We are waiting for anyone of them to stop but no... No one is stopping!

Alishba nudged me and asked "Whom are you supporting?"

I was confused what to say and Of course! I will not chose Hadi but infront of them may be I would.

"What silly question are you asking, Alishba? Of couse! She will chose her husband, right?" Anaya asked winking at me. I just nodded.

At that moment Hadi choked on his panipuri. I wanted to laugh at him but looking at his face getting red, I got up and gave him water. He looked at me surprised but kept quiet.

At last Jiju won as Hadi gave up after he got choked....


Alishba and Anaya took me to his room and made me sit on his bed.

"Shifa... All the best!" Anaya said in a teasing tone and winked at me.

I faked a nervous laugh so that they will not get suspicious about our relation.

Then they left, leaving me alone. At this moment I felt scared thinking about what will happen in my future...

He entered the room with a blank expression. Anyways I don't care about his expressions.

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