Chapter 13

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The supplication made between the adhan and the iqamah is not rejected.

Reported in Abu Dawood


Hadi's POV

When I was going to the hospital where my dad is there, I got a call from Anaya...

"Hello..." I said

"Assalamualaikum.... Bhai..... come fast..." she said while sobbing and hung the phone.

I was confused but I ran, totally forgetting that Shifa too is there with me.

We entered the lift and Shifa breathlessly asked me," what happened"???? First I felt like not telling than I thought that even she has the right to know about it.

But when I was about to tell the lift opened and then I ran towards the room where my dad is there.

Ali Uncle motioned me to go inside the room and there, I saw a machine where my dad's heartbeat rate is shown.

Dad was lying on the bed, looking very weak and pale.

He beckoned me to sit on the bed beside him...

"Hadi... I will not live long... " with these words I couldn't control my tears, "If I leave, don't be emotional... remember that, I am going to none other than the one who created us.... Now you will have the responsibility to look after your mom, Anaya and Alishba.... and .. and our business.... After my death you are the only one to take decisions on your sister's future.... Be strong Hadi..."

On hearing this, I held dad's hand in mine and said "Dad..., please... Nothing will happen.... nothing will happen to you.... InshaAllah "

I kissed his hand and held in mine until someone interrupted "Excuse me. Sir, now we have to take him to the operation theatre".  With a heavy sigh, I kept his hand by his side and walked away wiping my tears and praying to Allah to save my father.


We were impatiently waiting outside the operation theatre. My mom was crying badly so I bought two bottles of water from the vending machine, which was just outside the waiting room.

I handed one of the bottle to Aunty Fathima. I walked towards mom, opening the other bottle and handed over to her. When she looked up I saw her red and swollen eyes.

I kneeled down and caught her hand and said "Mom... don't worry.... InshaAllah everything will be fine...." by hearing this mom closed her eyes and silently cried...

Shifa side hugged her and whispered, "Nothing will happen... we all are praying for him, right?.... whatever happens... happens for good..."

She lifted her head up and our eyes met. For the first time, I saw a blank expression in her light brown eyes. I always used to see a happy, cheerful, brave and courageous expression in her eyes.

She looked away and I heard her mutter 'Astaghfirullah'.


After, about an hour, the doctor came out from the operation theatre and everyone stood up to hear those words for which we were waiting for past one hour.

"The operation is SUCCESSFUL Alhamdullilah...."

Before I could hear anymore, I ran to the prayer room. As soon as I entered, I fell on my knees and bowed before Allah and thanked him for whatever He gave us.

I remembered one of the hadeeth ...

Upon the authority of Abu Bakar (May Allah Be Pleased With Him),

Whenever the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was pleased by a matter or was given the glad tidings of a matter, he would go into prostration as a form of Shukr to Allah.

It was time for Maghrib prayer, so I prayed then I made dua for the wealth being of my family.

I was about to leave, then I saw Ali Uncle entering the prayer room and he  hugged me. I heard him mutter Alhamdullilah many times.....


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