Chapter 5

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Hadeeth on cursing:

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "When a servant curses something, the curse rises up to the sky, where the doors of the sky shut it out, and then it falls back to earth, where the doors of the earth shut it out. Then it searches right and left and when it does not find anywhere to go it comes back to the thing which was cursed, should it deserve it. If not, it returns upon the person who uttered it." (Abu Dawud)


Shifa's POV

It's Saturday. As it is a holiday so we all went out except for parents. It was so hard to convince Asif and Hadi to take us for shopping. They didn't wait for us, they just dropped us and went and we had to come back by RTA bus. It was so tiring. We just came back and now we are lying on the bed, staring at ceilings.

Suddenly the door opened we jerked and sat straight on the bed. It was MOM!

"Did you pray Asr?" mom asked and then I remembered that we didn't pray. I jumped from my bed and rushed to the washroom yelling "No....I forgot...."

After we prayed we were sitting on the bed and talking. But our conversation was interrupted by Asif's yell from downstairs. "Girls, come down for is calling...."

When we got out of my room, I saw mom taking to Asif but was not loud enough for us to hear. I felt something is fishy going on because of mom's expression but I shrugged it away.

When we were walking to the stairs...suddenly Alishba screamed so loudly that my ears hurt. "Ahhhhhhhhh........"

Then Anaya also started screaming. I was not understanding what was happening. "What happened...why are you shouting?.." I asked concerned.

"" Anaya said while screaming.

"Where....Where....??" I asked. Anaya pointed at Alishba who is still struggling to remove the cockroach from her shoulder.

It was so big that I also screamed. " cockroach...on Alishba's shoulder....Mom...." before I finished, my mom came running towards us with a panicked face. Once I told it was a cockroach, she started laughing and it was followed by Asif and Hadi's laugh.

"It's fake.....hahaha....It's fake..... you all are .... hahaha....scared of a fake.....hahaha..... cockroach.....!!!!!!" Hadi said between his laughter.

I got really angry at him that I stomped to my room. In my mind, I noted that I would talk to Anaya and Alishba about what revenge we will take against them.

Then the door opened revealing two angry faces - Anaya and Alishba. We all were cursing but after a moment I realized what I am doing and said Astaghfirullah many times and told them to stop using bad words.

Mom called us down for dinner. Till now we didn't come up with a good revenge. But we thought we would think about this afterward.

We went down for dinner. Our whole family was sitting in the dining room. I saw Asif and Hadi whispering to each other and suddenly they burst out laughing looking at us.

"Whats wrong you both?...Why are you laughing??...." uncle asked.

"Noth....hahaha.....Nothing... dad" Hadi replied while laughing.

"Actually, we wanted to show you all something," Asif said taking Hadi's mobile from his hand. Then he got up from his seat and walked towards the TV and connects the phone to it.

Whatever happened to us in this evening was shown on the TV. Everyone started laughing at us. And here I was boiling with anger. I motioned Alishba and Anaya to come upstairs. And I stomped up to my room. Once we closed the door of our room, we discussed what revenge we will take against them.

We got the best idea ever....Asif and Hadi, you wait and see...what surprise is waiting for you.

We smiled evilly at each other and soon drifted off to sleep....


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