Chapter 15 - The Battle of Proxima (iii)

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In the deepest parts of the world ocean Thigguroth the gerousia was plotting.

Ancient Chitinsoul Ninth Brood pumped its polyp-like body and shot forward through the highly pressurized water, leaving a trail of information chemicals in its wake. Butterfly-like flatfish scattered in all directions.

This cleared away the residue of previous conversations hanging in the water, and was a bit of a rude maneuver on par with yelling.

<Probe data has been confirmed. The attack on Proxima Ring has resulted in complete structural collapse. Casualties estimated at around one trillion humanoids, not counting machines and stored memories,> the chemicals read.

<The innards of humanity are exposed,> Ancient Thickenzyme added to the chemical brew.

<I have said this all along,> Ancient Redwake contributed <Humans may be our technological peers but they are our spiritual inferiors. They are pacifistic children. They lack the will to defeat us in battle. A single decisive strike will demoralize them into surrender. We'd be doing the bottom-feeders a favor, giving them some order and security.>

<The other FTL Players could object,> added Ancient Chitinsoul <The humans have friends.>

<There is no polity in the galaxy capable of opposing us that would object to a weakened Human Consensus,> boasted Ancient Redwake.

<Previously an attack on humantiy would have been an unacceptable risk,> Ancient Thickenzyme contributed <New data has altered the flow of play. We must run additional simulations.>

<Agreed,> added Ancient Chitinsoul <We need simulations of the highest level.>

<Make preparations with the central processing swarm,> added Ancient Thickenzyme <Then, begin to assemble a war fleet.>

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