Chapter 28 - Context Is Everything

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Null state.


The Prime of Primes Klakgluk, bloated on the pheromones of her own majesty, was now so large she was incapable of leaving the Chamber of Birthing, Center of the Universe and Jewel Among The Stars. The chamber was filled with the holy wet flapping noises and dry clicks of her ever-writhing corpus.

Min-ji's specialized implants told her what the pheromones were saying, that she should be in undiluted awe and terror of the Prime of Primes. Lucky for her this was the extent of their effect on her human biology.

"You are the demi-life who claims she can open the gate in the sky?" bellowed the Primes of Primes, as spirit-castes frantically recorded her words using an ancient system of beads.

"I can, I promise you that," said Min-ji, taking great pains to excrete the appropriately humble pheromones "I just wanted to talk to you about it first."

"What talk is left? You have answered the question which interests me. You will go now and enact the will of the Primes!"

"I'm on a sort of star tour, or at least I'd like to be. This is the beginning of it, if things go as planned. I'm hoping to travel to as many inhabited worlds as I can and really immerse myself in all kinds of different alien cultures. Learn their perspectives. So, hopefully, maybe I broaden my horizons enough that Proxima selects me as an Ambassador," said Min-ji.

"An Ambassador," said HandsomeNose "That's a lofty goal for someone less than a century old."

"Gotta start somewhere," Min-ji shrugged "Why are you on this cruise?"

"I suppose for the opposite reason you are," replied HandsomeNose "I plan to become the foremost expert on a single alien species. I have cleverly selected one that is extinct, so I will never have to meet them."

"That sounds lonely," said Min-ji.

"And yet here I am, chatting with a charming young female companion."

"Once you open a router, however," said Min-ji "Any tin-pot empire with slower-than-light warships can just jump across space/time with their entire navy and come out the other end it. This station is in orbit of your home star. If we do this you'll be exposed to the whole galaxy. I hope your people are prepared."

Min-ji didn't think they were prepared. In many ways, the Hivers were like children.

"The Hive was promised that you would open the gate. Will you perform the task or not?" asked Korkeh.

Min-ji gave HandsomeNose a worried look. HandsomeNose's his eye in conspiratorial amusement.

<Don't get me wrong, I really like the idea of reviving a Precursor wormhole router, but you do realize these people are going to get themselves killed right?> signaled HandsomeNose

<It's not our place to decide for them. The router is in their territory and all the local powers want it open. Having access to so many new alien cultures might give them some perspective.>

"If that's your decision, lead the way," said Min-ji.

HandsomeNose laughed.

Min-ji scrambled, gracelessly pulling her tiny body onto the next branch. She unsteadily stood up and struggled to keep her balance as the branch swayed.

<Min-ji> signaled Scout <Maybe it's time to get down!>

Scout's tail was anxiously tucked between his legs and he was pacing back and forth at the base of the tree. Scout was usually so much fun. Min-ji wondered why he wasn't being fun.

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