Chapter 26 - Things Left Unsaid (ii)

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"I'm not joking!" Min-ji said aloud and signaled at the same time.

<Neither am I,> replied Splendiferous <Why would I take on unnecessary risk to my person? I'm not a humanoid, I actually value my existence.>

<This is important, Splendiferous,> signaled Min-ji.

<What is? What is so important? Your hesitance to tell me what you want me to do only increases my reluctance to do it.>

<I need to go within primary field range of the UFO,> signaled Min-ji.

<Oh, is that all?>

<A friend of mine, HandsomeNose, says the UFO is some kind of alien computronium core. Apparently they have their entire civilization in there. If I can get close enough they'll upload my mind-state and I can try to talk them out attacking us.>

<Is that what that weird message was all about?> asked Splendiferous <How do you know that was even who you think it was?>

<I don't,> admitted Min-ji.

<So your plan is to approach the UFO that destroyed Proxima Ring, based on an unverifiable message sent from the UFO, and put yourself at their mercy in the vain hope that all they really needed was a good talking to? And you were hoping I would want to be a part of this?>

<Splendiferous, look, I- If HandsomeNose is right, and I think he is, I might be responsible for all of this. Proxima, the possible revival of war... everything. All those lives. Millennia of peace. I can't even begin to comprehend the full weight of it- I can't afford to really appreciate what I've done because I have this chance. Maybe I have this chance to do something to help stop this. If I have to die just for the chance, however small, I have to take it. You're right, I can't ask you to go down with me, but I have to do this. If it's the last thing I do I have to do it. I have to try.>

<Ran's not going to like it,> signaled Splendiferous.

<Ran doesn't need to know,> signaled Min-ji.

<Ran already knows,> interjected Ran.

They were well outside Ran's jurisdictional space and field range. The avatar was reduced to using standard communication channels.

<Splendiferous!> Min-ji snapped.

<I though the Consensus might want the opportunity to talk you down from suicide,> signaled the AI <I'll try to live with myself.>

<This isn't wise, Min-ji,> signaled Ran <Come home. Reintegrate with the Consensus. We can figure out where to go from there.>

<I've made up my mind,> said Min-ji <Every minute I waste we slip further down the path of darkness. If you don't want to take me there Splendiferous, fine, just drop me off with the nearest ship that will.>

<You've really made up your mind haven't you?> asked Splendiferous.

<I have,> replied Min-ji.

<Very well,> signaled Splendiferous <Go ahead and take this ship. I can take the slow beam back to Ran Ring. I believe you can facilitate that at this distance, can't you Ran?>

<I would prefer not to,> signaled Ran.

<What if the alternative was me coming with her?> asked Splendiferous.

<I don't believe it would be prudent to call you on that particular bluff,> signaled Ran <If you decide to beam your mind-state back to the computronium core I will reluctantly assist.>

<I'll start now,> signaled Splendiferous <I'll have to go online for the transfer. Good luck, Min-ji. You might just save us all.>

<Yeah,> was all Min-ji could muster to say.

<You should come back to the Ring,> signaled Ran <Please reconsider.>

She didn't.

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