Chapter 13: a completely drunken mess

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*unedited so it contains lots of grammar mistakes*

I crossed my legs one over another and banged my fist against the door. My pee was literally about to come out and if I have to wait another minute my pants will be drenched.

I panicked and grabbed the handle, pulling it so hard that it broke. The door creaked opened and I grinned.

"Sorry I just- holy cheese puffs!" I scream, covering my eyes in horror as I accidently saw a man having a pee.

"What the-" the man's grunts before I hear shuffling and the toilet flushing. I took this opportunity to quickly slip in. "I'm sorry I- move" I cut myself short and shove the guy out slamming the door.

"Can you hold it while I wee?!" I didn't wait for an answer and just quickly emptied my bladder. I sighed in relief.

It was 12am and out of all the things I could be doing right now; like watching the Original series, I was stuck at some random guys party, partly drunk. I only came for the food.

I felt happy as I washed up and skipped out of the bathroom.

I was suddenly stopped by the man from before. "Hey" he mumbles "wanna dance?"

Isn't this romantic?

I shrug and just nod my head. He pulls me to the dance floor and begins to dance while I stand like an awkward chicken.

I was confused whether I should twerk or grind. I decided to do the disco

My body movement and the song didn't match but what the heck- I was awesome.

The guy gave me a strange look. "You dance like that?"

I felt offended. My dancing was better than anyone's.

"I don't twerk, I disco" I smile.

He chuckled and shrugged before dancing with me "Fuck it. This is fun"

I laugh and we both dance in synchronise. My fun was rudely intrupted by Adrian.

"Adeline!" He yelled over the blaring music "what are you doing?"

I glare at home "dancing with my new buddy!" I say, nudging the guy who waved at Adrian.

Adrian sighed and tried to drag me away only for me to kick and scream. I wasn't going anywhere.

"Addy" he mumbled "you're drunk and you need to go home"

"No!" I scream, grasping on to the stranger. "I'm not leaving my dancing friend"

Adrian was about to beat my ass but he contained it. "Give me your phone" he ordered.

I pulled it out of my bra and placed it on his hand. He looked at me horrified whilst I smiled.

He shakes his head before he began to call someone.

"It's Adrian" he mumbled to the caller "long story short. Addys drunk and about to cheat on you so come and pick her drunk ass up"

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