chapter 19: I've fallen for him

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

"You kissed me"


"What does it mean?"

Liam sipped his coffee as I trailed behind him as we entered the hospital elevator.

I've been pestering him all night and he still shrugs it off like it was nothing. Hell no, nobody kisses that good if it didn't mean anything.

"It means marry me" he smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth. His eyes closed slightly and I couldn't stop being a pervert and just gawk at this beautiful creature in front of me.

"I love you" I blurt.

His expression doesn't change and instead he shrugs before taking another sip.

Clearly Liam doesn't give single shit because me confessing to him doesn't bring about any change to his attitude. Not that it was a confession or anything..

"Clearly you weren't fazed by that" I said rolling my eyes.

He smirks "I get it all the time"

Cocky much?

The elevator doors opened and Liam walked out with me tiptoeing behind him.

"Quit following me" he hisses with a hint of amusement in his voice.

My jaw drops. "Wh-what? Following? You? Remember your grandfather wanted to see me not you"

I quickly get ahead of him and flip my hair in a dramatic momento.

In all truthiness I was petrified when he did. The last time I was here I left him with a potential heart attack and I didn't think he'd want to see me again.

We reached his room and I took in a deep breath. Liam being the gentlemen he is, shoves me in with a evil laugh.

I stumble into the room and come face to face with his grandfather who had the 'I've been expecting you' expression.

Oh Jesus, I need to stay calm.

"Adeline" grandfather loudly acknowledges.

I smile. "M-Mr.Saevatore"

"It's been a while" he said, clearing his throat.

"Yes sir"

There was a long awkward silence and Liam wasn't making it any better as he sips on his coffee like it was none of his business.

"The last time you were here, it didn't end well" he said bringing back unwanted memories "however, I wish to resolve it"

I awkwardly nodded.

"You and Liam will be getting married" he announces "you can't end a marriage over a petty argument"

Ouch ever heard of being nice?

I opened my mouth to speak but Mr.Saevatore held his finger up to shut me up.

"I don't believe I have long to go therefore the marriage has been brought forward- everything is sorted except your dress which you shall go and see tomorrow. You will be getting married at the end of the week"

I gulped hard as I processed all that information. Wedding-forward..- end of the week- what?!

"But-" both Liam and I protest at the same time.

"It's too short notice" Liam insisted and I nodded my head in a raging manner. If I shake it any harder it might break off- but it might not be that bad since I'm being forced to marry this jerk in a week!

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