28: He's living with us?

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

I silently shove cookies in my mouth as I watch the family drama unfold.

It hasn't even been 24 hours since Liam's brother Jase turned up out of no where and the whole family decided to gather for a 'meeting' held by grandfather. Sadly the old man is stil alive. I could have swore the guy was meant to die 4 months ago.

"Well as you know, Adeline is pregnant" grandfather suddenly said, causing me to drop my cookie.

"I'm pregnant?"

"She's pregnant?" Liam repeated, staring at me.

I shook my head in shock. Oh hell no. We are not doing this all over again. Who the heck comes up with this?

"I'm no-"

"She doesn't need any stress so if you stay with Liam you have to get along" grandfather continued, giving me no chance to break his ice cold heart about a great-grandchild. This man doesn't even let me finish breathing and cuts me off.

Wait,did he just say stay?!

"He's staying with us?" I asked, praying I had a non-pregnancy brain and heard it all wrong.

"Yes, Jase and his brother have a lot to discuss" grandfather replied, crushing my dream of being alone with Liam. why is my luck so bad?

When life gives you lemons- throw them at Jase. The guy and I are not on good terms. Not since he decided to almost set my kitchen on fire while 'drunk' and now he takes away any alone time I could have had with Liam. I cry

"He's not staying with us" Liam sternly said.

Did he just say us?


"Go back to where you were hiding Jase. I don't fucking need you messing around here" he snapped, cutting Jase off.

Liam stood up and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I blinked a few times trying to take it all in. Did he just leave me? How do I get home now?

Grandfather sighed and shook his head. Everyone in the room stayed quiet and decided to just make me feel uncomfortable and stare at me. That was my cue to leave.

"I need to find my baby daddy" I joked causing a upfront roar amongst everyone. They looked at me horrified. "I mean baby father"

Jesus. These people never heard of the 21 centrury name.

I quickly slipped out before grandfather threw his cane at me for my choice of words and went on a trip to find Liam. Sadly the guy disappeared somewhere so I ended up sitting on chair procrastinating my whole life.

My thoughts are disturbed by Grandfather suddenly appearing and sitting down next to me. He looked at me and I looked at him.

"you know I'm not really pregnant right" I uttered, knowing well this man was good a playing games. After all, that's how he got me to marry his grandson.

he smiled and nodded. "I know"

You what now?

"I knew it" I said, shaking my head.

He leaned back on his chair and crossed his legs over the other.

"If I have to lie to get my grandsons to play nice, I'll do it" he said.

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