Chapter 3

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After getting dressed and eating breakfast, you make your way to the guild.Today you'll find out the cause of Natsu and Gray's strange behavior. You'll find out why Master Makarov specifically asked you to stay in the guild. The anticipation is helping you forget about your memories, for now.

Making your way through the paved streets of Magnolia, still largely empty at this hour, you close your eyes, anxiety flitting through you. Thunder rumbles and you look up at the sky, now covered with an ominous gray blanket of storm clouds. It seems even the weather is sensing your mood.

The guild is strangely silent as you approach, and as you push open the heavy doors with a low creak, your eyes widen at the sight before you; all the mages are crowded in front of the stage, murmuring amongst themselves.

You push your way through the crowds although they already part for you upon notice. Once you're at the front, you join your friends who are all whispering in confusion.

"What's all the commotion about?" says Pantherlily, standing next to Gajeel with his paws crossed.

"Beats me," the Iron Dragon Slayer grumbles.

You look around to see everyone muttering and fidgeting nervously; they seem to be looking up at the stage.

Suddenly the heavy green curtain covering the stage rumbles and begins to part, revealing none other than Master Makarov along with Erza, Mirajane, and Gildarts; all the S-class mages.

Makarov coughs into his fist and shouts, "Fairy Tail! As we have done in the past, I will now announce the participants in this year's S-class Wizard Advancement Exam!"

The cheers that meet his exclamation are deafening, and the entire guild shakes on its foundation. You cross your arms, uninterested and unsure of why you were supposed to be here.

The guild dies down and you turn your attention back to the stage where Erza and Gildarts are politely telling everyone to shut up.

"This year's trials will take place on Tenroujima!" Master continues, "It is our guild's sacred ground!"

You can hear Lucy behind you squealing in shock and asking a million questions a minute, but your steely gaze is still focused on the master, waiting for him to reveal why you've been forced to stay in the guild this year.

"I have been watching all of you closely in the past year," Makarov begins. "And I have chosen eight participants!"

The guild tenses and the first name is announced: "Natsu Dragneel!"

You look at the pink-haired Dragon Slayer who raises his fist with a determined expression on his face. "All right!" he says seriously, a competitive glint in his eye.

"Gray Fullbuster!"

The dark-haired Ice mage smirks. "Finally," he murmurs softly to himself.

"Juvia Lockser!"

Juvia's eyes widen in surprise and she looks completely and utterly shocked. "Huh? Juvia is participating?"


The muscular, egotistical man grins and triumphantly bellows, "Those who are Men should become S Class!"

"Cana Alberona!"

Cana, who is usually optimistic and drunk, looks strangely unexcited at the prospect. Her eyes find the floor, and she says nothing.

"Freed Justine!"

The green-haired mage has a look of determination in his eyes. "To follow in Laxus's footsteps..." he mumbles.

"Levy McGarden!"

Levy looks delighted and has a hand over her mouth, her eyes shining. "Finally..."

"And finally, (Y/N) (L/N)!"

You blink, and look around uncertainly at your guildmates who are all cheering excitedly. It's then that you realize this is why Master told you to stay this year, and you smile at everyone, giving nothing away.

The rest of the wizards that weren't chosen are either moaning and complaining or discussing the potential of this year's S Class candidates. Gajeel, in particular, looks extremely peeved that he wasn't chosen. Oh, well.

"Only one of you will pass," says Master. "The exam will take place in a week, so prepare yourselves!" He pauses, then goes on to explain the rules:

1. Each participant may choose one partner

2. The partner must be a member of Fairy Tail

3. The partner cannot be an S Class wizard

"The contents of the exam will be announced upon arrival to Tenroujima," Master continues, "But this time, Erza will be blocking your progress."

Mirajane smiled and raised her hand. "I'll also help out to get in your way!" she smiles.

There's a moment of silence as the information sinks in, and then the guild erupts.


"So you can't become S Class without defeating Erza-san or Mira-san?" Lucy stammers, her brown eyes wide.

Gildarts smirks, "Now, don't complain. All S Class wizards have gone through the same path."

Everyone is silent again until Natsu, eyes shining, calls out "You're gonna participate too, Gildarts?"

"Don't be happy about that!" Gray shouts, his eyes popping out of his head.

"The eight selected participants and their partners will arrive at Hargeon Port in one week!" Master says above the commotion.

*        *        *

Later on, you sit silently at a table eating dinner with some of your fellow guildmates.

"Man, S Class trials are gonna be harder than ever," Gray complains.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu leans back and spews fire at the ceiling.

"The path to becoming S Class just got further away from Elfman the Man!" Elfman groans.

You notice Lucy looking at Freed and Bickslow, and the two of you come to the same conclusion: Freed's partner is Bickslow.

Discussion about partners ensues at your table. Natsu is partnering with Happy, Gray with Loke, Juvia and Lisanna, and Elfman is with Evergreen (much to Elfman's despair). Across the guild, you see that Gajeel has evidently become Levy's partner, and...

"Who are you planning to partner with, (Y/N)-san?" Lucy asks you curiously.

You sigh. "I'm not sure," you shrug, standing up and walking outside.

It's begun to snow, the light flakes falling all around you, making your breath steam in the air. You begin to walk home and stop when you hear Wendy and Carla talking.

"I have a bad feeling about the trials," you hear Carla say. "Don't participate, no matter what."

"There's no one for me to partner with," Wendy replies, "so no worries."

Neither of them notice you until you speak. "Negatory. Wendy, will you be my partner for the S Class trials?"

Wendy jumps a little and turns around, eyes wide. "(Y/N)-san!"  

A/N: Sorry I haven't published a new part for a while. Thanks to everyone for reading and voting for this story, but I'd like to see some different comments other than "Please update" ._.

Feel free to give me some feedback on my writing :)

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