Chapter 14

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"What is this?"

You freeze, cold prickles of fear crawling up your spine as the sinister growl resonates in your head.

Turning, you look up into the snarling face of your captor. His dragon features are twisted into an expression of disgust and incredulity.

"A cat?!" he bellows, stomping his clawed talons in anger.

You shriek as one of his feet crushes the egg that your Exceed just left. You clutch onto the tiny gray cat tightly as Acnologia all but loses it. The ground shakes from his rage and wild winds whip your face.

"I will not have my fearsome reputation ruined by a stupid cat!"

His tail snaps around and catches you in the stomach, throwing you backward. In your moment of flight, you lose your grip on your new Exceed.

Naturally, that's when things took a turn for the worst.

Using his tail again, Acnologia flings your petrified cat into the air. His jaw unhinges and for a horrible moment you think that he is going to eat your new friend.

It isn't until the back of his throat glows with a blue light that you realize...

The Dragon's Roar, a piercing beam of bright light...


...your Exceed...

...into dust...

You let out a screech of horror and slump down into the trench that was created from the force of Acnologia's magic. Your head vibrates with your violent sobbing as the last few moments replay over and over in your mind, the vision seared into your eyes.

"Shut up."

Unfortunately for you, and him, you pay no attention to him and continue screaming.

"I said shut up! Crying over a stupid cat!"

"She was an Exceed." Somehow in your state of mind you can still find enough attitude to correct this murderer.

"Does it look like I care? Stop crying."

A rough hand grabs your face and forces you to your feet. Actually you're not really standing because Acnologia, who is back in human form, is holding you off the ground by your throat.

He leans in closer to your face. "You're my plaything, remember?" he purrs in a way that makes you want to throw up in his face.

You don't reply.

"You're nothing but a pretty toy. And toys don't need their own toys, now do they?"

*        * *

Letting out a loud groan, you roll out of bed and onto the floor. Of course now that Happy brought it up, you're having nightmares about losing your cat again. You've re-lived that moment so many times that it's nothing new anymore.

Getting ready that morning, there are only three things on your mind:

Why are all the nightmares coming back?

I need to go on another job.

And, I'm going to kill that stupid blue cat.

Because, after all, you just had another nightmare because of him.

*        *        *

"Whoa, (Y/N), someone looks like they got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Lucy chuckles as you shuffle into the guild.

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