Chapter 11

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Jolting back to reality, you collapse onto the ground as everyone's loud sounds of protest assault your ears. Something about Master canceling the S-Class trials, but you barely hear it.

You can't stop shaking from the vision you just saw. Assuming it was correct, Grimoire Heart is dead, and... Acnologia is coming toward the island.

As if on cue, the wind shifts, bringing you the faint scent of the monster you'd hoped never to see again. A shadow blocks the sun and the hideous roar of the dragon knocks you sideways.

Lacking the energy to get back up, all you can do is stare upward at the sky. Your past comes flooding back to you: the flames, the screams, the tears--your tears--your pain and confusion, it all came back in the instant you saw the black and blue silhouette on the horizon; death was flying straight toward Tenroujima.

"Hey!" You manage to lift your head as you see the rest of the Fairy Tail members running toward you. Wendy and Lucy drop down next to you, eyes lit with concern.

"(Y/N)-san, what's wrong?" the little Sky Dragon Slayer asks you.

"H-He's coming," you shiver. "No... After all these years..." you mumble to yourself.

"Who's coming, (Y/N)?" Erza asks.

"What's that?!" Gray shouts, pointing at the sky as a huge black claw breaches the clouds, followed by the rest of the immense black and blue body of the dragon.

Its black jaws part and he lets out a roar. At the same you clap your hands over your ears and let out a bloodcurdling shriek.

"(Y/N)!" Lucy shouts, attempting to help you up, but as soon as her hands touch your shoulders you begin thrashing.

"No! Don't touch me!" You scream, hot tears streaming down your face, blinding you.

"(Y/N)-san! Please calm down!" Wendy cries.

Over the roaring in your own ears, you can hear Gildarts and Master talking. "Could it be... the black dragon of the apocalypse?"


With another roar, the dragon descends, landing on the ground with such force that everyone is blown backward.

"This is bad," you hear Gildarts mutter. "Everyone get away, now!"

Acnologia lets out another thundering roar and the ground beneath him splits into chunks that fly upward, obliterating the entire forest. You match his roar with a piercing shriek as your past is resurfaced. The past that was supposed to be locked away forever, now brought forth in a torrent of emotions.

Around you, you hear screams of fear as everyone turns and runs, trying to get away from their death. Acnologia dives and his talons sink into the ground, trapping the Fairy Tail members.

Wendy races forward. "Why are you doing this?" she yells at the dragon. "Answer me!"

Acnologia turns his head to regard the tiny Dragon Slayer... and replies by swinging his tail like a whip, taking out more trees and scattering Fairy Tail members.

You get to your feet, your intense fear now fueling something else: anger. Leaping in front of everyone, you stand before Acnologia, glaring up at him.

"So you've finally come back," you snarl venomously. "After ten year's you've finally found me."

You can feel the rest of the Fairy Tail members staring at you in awe and confusion, but you ignore it. "If you think you can kill my family, you'll have to fight me first!"

Fool. Acnologia's voice speaks in your mind. I am the Dragon King. You cannot possibly beat me. His raises his talons and attempts to smash you flat, but you teleport on top of his claw and use it to push off into the air.

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