Chapter 4

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[One week later]

The day of the S Class trials was sunny and ridiculously hot. You walk with Wendy to Hargeon Port, not failing to notice the worried look on her face.

Everyone else has arrived and they're all staring up at the huge ship docked at the port waiting to take them to Tenrou Island. You smirk at Natsu and Gajeel who look absolutely nauseated at the sight, and you're thankful that both you and Wendy know healing magic.

You all board the ship and set sail for Tenroujima with the wind blowing against your face and the sea a glittering blue expanse around you, but the sun is glaring and pretty soon everyone is ready to melt from the heat.

You watch with an amused expression as Natsu stumbles sluggishly around the ship holding his mouth, muttering about how Wendy didn't perform Troia on him. Said blue-haired Dragon Slayer smiles sheepishly and apologizes.

After a long eternity, the looming shape of Tenrou Island comes into view: a rocky shore with forests and a very large tree growing from the center of the island. Master explains that it was once believed that fairies lived on the island and that it is also the place of First Master Mavis's grave.

Master Makarov is standing on the railing of the ship's quarterdeck wearing a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt. "I will announce your first trial," he declares, fanning himself with a fan.

"First trial?" Wendy asks beside you, looking slightly confused.

"You see that smoke rising over the shore?" Master gestures to the island, "First, head over there. There are eight passages, but only one team can enter each passage. At the end of each passage you will find: Battle, Calm, or Pitched Battle."

Everyone's eyes narrow as Makarov's information sinks in. In Battle, two teams face off against each other and the winning team moves on. Pitched Battle will be against the current S Class wizards, and Calm is used to get to the end without fighting.

"Only teams that get through this will pass the first trial," Master continues. Suddenly he leans forward and grins, "The test has begun!"

Gray and Loke look confused. "But we're still at sea..."

Natsu and Happy take off through the air, but unfortunately crash into a rune set up by Freed as he and Bickslow are already flying off to the island, much to everyone's rage.

Levy has already begun to rewrite Freed's spell to let Gajeel and herself through, and Evergreen has done the same thing. Now there are only five teams left to get off the boat, including you and Wendy.

While the rest of the teams are waiting for Freed's runes to wear off, you grab Wendy's arm and, using your magic, the two of you teleport away, landing safely on the shore of Tenroujima.

Once there, you and Wendy quickly choose a passage and run through, fervently praying that you don't run into an S Class wizard.

After walking for a while, the tunnel begins to widen. You catch their scents in the air and you know who you're going to fight before you see them: Gray and Loke.

"So it's (Y/N) and Wendy huh?" Gray says, although he looks slightly nervous at having run into you.

Loke still has his smug smile plastered onto his face, but even he has some uncertainty in his eyes.

The silent stare-down continues for a few more seconds before Loke suddenly sprints toward you, his fist glowing with light.

"(Y/N)! They're going to attack!" Wendy cries as you nod in agreement.

You jump in front of Wendy and block Loke with a magic force-field as he sends a punch to your face, followed by an uppercut with his other arm, which you dodge by leaping into the air and landing on a rock near the Sky Dragon Slayer.

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