3 》Getting to know him

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"So Daughter of snow white?" Jay hummed. I nodded feeling that blue haired girl roll her eyes, "No offense but your mom wasn't even that pretty like, come on! She talked to birds and dwarves and-"

"Doug!" I nearly shouted, cutting her off. Doug looked up from his tablet and walked over to where I was standing. "This is Doug" I said smiling at my friend, "He'll help you with your schedules" I turned back to Doug, "Doug this issss" I turned and looked at them.

"Mal" The purple haired girl smirked, "Daughter of Malificent."

I felt my knuckles turn white under my sleeve. Stay cool, stay clam, Im doing this for Ben.

"Carlos, I'm Cruella De Vils kid" Smiled the white haired boy.

"Jay, Jafars son" Jay answered. Great. Just great. The cute one had to be the son of the guy who killed my dad.

"Princess Evie daughter of the Evil Queen" smiled The blue haired girl as she flipped he hair.

Doug waved, "Hey guys I'm Doug Doopy sons, as in doopy, doc, bashful, happy, grumpy, sleepy, an...heigh ho" Doug stuttered as he saw Evie.

I rolled my eyes, this just couldn't get any better! One of my friends has the a thing for one of these outcast. "Okayyy Doug, you can take the girls and show them around. I'll show the guys" i said grabbing the sheet of paper with there room and class schedule on it. I looked at Jay and Carlos, "Lets get you settled in"


"Jay carry me" whined Carlos for the fourth time. And for the fourth time Jay ignored him. "You know" I said trying to make small talk with Carlos. "If my friend Alex was here he would give us a ride on his magic carpet"

"Magic carpet?" Jay said walking closer to me. I took a step to the left, trying to get away from him. "Mhm, he's sort of the son of-"

"Aladdin" Said a voice, We all looked up from on top of the stairs and saw Alex smiling down with his goofy smile. "Hey Al!" I said waving to one my friends. "I'll be down in a sec!" Alex said before snapping his fingers and appearing in front of us with a blue mist around him.

It must have scared Carlos because as soon as Alex appeared he jumped into into Jays arms. "Princess" Alex said bowing before kissing my hand. I rolled my eyes at my friends fakeness as i pulled my hand away. "Alex these are some of the kids from the isle of the lost." I said smiling, "That's Carlos son of Cruela De Vil, and that's Jay" I said looking up at Alex, "Son of Jafar."

"Jafar?" Said Alex raising an eyebrow . Jay dropped Carlos and walked closer to Alex, "Aladdin?" He said Ruffley, crossing his arms as the two had a stand off.

"This won't be good" gulped Carlos behind me, grabbing my arm and pulling me back a little.

"Sorry that my Dad almost killed your Dad" Smirked Jay as Alex gritted his teeth. I saw the flicker of blue come out of Alex's eyes and I knew had to stop him before anyone got hurt. "And for your dad almost killing my mom too? Yeah water under the bridge." Alex muttered, his knuckles turning white. "And sorry! My mom would have never married a unworthy awful so called king-"

"Watch it" Growled Jay as he pushed Alex against his shoulder. "Okay!" I said as i clapped my hands together to grab there attention. "Alex how about you show Carlos the left wing and i show Jay the other side?" I said grabbing Jay by the arm, "Good? Okay, Later Al!" I said before dragging Jay upstairs.


"How do you even open this?" Muttered Jay after a walk of silence. I looked to see he was trying to open my locket, I gasped as I reached back and grabbed it. "How did you.."

Jay smirked, "Stealing is my specialty" I rolled my eyes as I tried to put it back on, "Here let me help" Jay offered, "Nooo thank you" I said as I struggled with the necklace. "Come on princess, I wont steal it again" Jay said as he put his left hand up, "Auradon promise!" He joked . Before I could decline his offer he went around me and latched my necklace together.

As soon as his fingers touched the back of my neck I hitched my breath, "Your warm" I muttered. Jay laughed softly, "What? Are villains suppose to be cold blooded princess?"

All of a suddenly i got nervous around him. "No" I stuttered "Its just.. yeah yeah I grew up thinking that you all where cold blooded" I said with a half smile.

Jay chuckled, "So what's the story behind the necklace princess?" He asked as we kept walking through out the hall. My fingers fiddled with it as i looked up at Jay, "My father gave it too me before he died"

Jay looked taken back, "What?" I asked, "Nothing, I'm sorry for your lost. I just thought.."

"Thought that a princess would have a perfect life? Happy family and get a happily ever after of her own?" I hummed looking at him. "Its fine, he passed with I was a little girl anyways. What about you? What was your dad and mom like at the isle of the lost?"

Jay shrugged, "I never knew my mom, and my dad? He's a good man, just a little hard headed when wanting stuff." He scratched the back of his head. "My mom is the sweetest person i know, well she being snow white and all and my step father is robin hood, he was one of the loyal men to my father so he took care of me when I was still younger and then married my mom, so yeah i guess my mom still got her happily ever after" I smiled.
"What about friends? What are the others like?"

"Carlos is a little nut, he's like the little brother I've always wanted. Mal is a little bit of a control freak but I guess its because she wants to prove to her mom shes just like her and Evie? A complete fashion freak. Always wanting to pick out all of our clothes." He chuckled.

Wow, how could he be a bad guy? He's actually very sweet and easy to talk too. Jay seems like a big old teddy bear to me.

"What about your princesses and Prince of friends?" He asked as he leaned against the wall as we talked. I shrugged, "I've known Ben, Audrey and Chad since we where all In diapers but I'm only really close to Ben. My other two close friends aren't as high in our royal court but there still destined to be in the royal court. Addie, shes the sweetest thing ever, really kind and a bit fishy." I chuckle at my own joke, "And Alex? He's not a bad guy, he just hasn't seen his parents in a while so hes sensitive on that topic but he's really cool when you actually meet him."

Jay rubbed the back of his neck, "I'll apologize next time i see him then, but what about you?" He asked. I smiled, "Me?"

"Yeah" he grinned, "Who is Silena White?"

I bit into my lip and shrugged, "I'm nothing really special. Just the typical princess awaiting to be Queen along with Audrey, Chad and Ben." Jay smiled as walked over to where I was standing. "You seem different from the typical princess, not as stuck up as that Audrey chick"

I shrugged, "My mother told me my father was a kind and equal king so I hope to rule like him when Im crowned queen" I smiled looking up at him. Jay smiled and pushed a piece of my hair back, "I think you'll be an amazing Queen" he said softly looking at me.

I bit into my lip as I stared into his dark brown eyes. What was i doing? He was the son of the guy who killed my dad. I couldn't make friends with him or any of them, I just have to put up with him. Plus I was destined to Chad not some Villain.

"Silena!" Chads voice interrupted my thought and me and jays eye contact. I quickly pulled away and smiled at Chad. "How was practice?" I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waste and pulled me in to a sloppy kiss. It caught me by surprise but I tried my best to enjoy it. When he pulled away we looked at Jay who was looking at his feet.

I felt my heart ache a bit but looked back at Chad. "I think its getting late Babe, you should go to your dorm. Jay can find his dorm too." Chad said as he started guide me away from Jay. I turned my head a little to give him a sad smile.

"You can't be friends with them" Chad said, "He's the son of Jafar. He's a bad guy. You're a princess and princesses don't be friends with lower class"

I nodded, I couldn't get close to them.

Currently in my AP World history class bored (: Someone please message me I'm kind of cool but comment and vote yo!

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