19》Happily Never After

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Its currently been a month since Ben's coronation and life couldn't be any better. Expect for maybe the stupid nightmares, there always the same. Me being stuck on that dark island, the kingdom being destroyed by many villains and most of all Ryder.

Ryder. That stupid trickster has made me paranoid, every shadow I see or every door slamming I think its him. Ryder just waiting for me and smirking as he pulls me into a sudden darkness..

"Silena!" Shouted Carlos as he snapped his fingers in front of my face a few times. I blinked my eyes as I was pulled out of thought, "Hmm?" I said looking around the chemistry room. "Mr.Grumpy said to put your bow in your locker" Said Carlos as he rose an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I muttered looking down to see I was holding my weapon. "Yeah you've had it all day" shrugged Carlos as he finished his chemistry notes. I nodded slowly getting up from my chair and left the class room.

"Stupid electricity" I muttered as I walked down the hallways, the lights flickered every so often. I opened my locker about to place my weapon in there when out the corner of my eye I saw a familar red beanie.

"Jay?" I called out, closing my locker, "Where are you?" I said looking around the dark hallways of Auradon Prep, I plucked my bow nervously as I looked around for my boyfriend. "Jay this isn't funny" I said as I heard a door creak. I felt my heart drop as I turned around slowly to see a dark figure at the end of the hall way.

I let out a small laugh nervously, "Jay come on, let's get back to class" The tall figure blinked it's eyes before showing off there glowing golden eyes.

I felt my breath get caught in my throat, "You" I whispered. I pulled out an arrow and placed it in my bow shakingly, aiming at him at the end of the hallway.

"You don't remember?" Ryders voice chuckled darkly, his glowing eyes not leaving me. "We have a deal" he growled lowly as he began to walk towards me.

I lowered my weapon and turned, running to the exit door. "Not so fast" Ryder growled as he ran fast beside me tripping me to the ground. I fell hard onto the ground, "You know I dont understand why you decided to run? You could have at least attempted to shoot me, maybe scream for help?" shrugged Ryder as he sat in front of me.

I kept my eyes to ground as i slowly picked myself up, "Its been a month-"
"A month to long, you see i let you soak up your happiness so it could hurt every one really badly when you, you know, leave?" He smirked drumming his fingers against the ground. My fingers gripped the arrow that laid near me. "I didn't even really save anyone, it was all of us-"
"A deals a deal princess" Ryder spoke as he leaned his hand forward to touch me.

I took the chance and stabbed the arrow into the top of his hand. Giving me enough time to run away, "Shit!" He yelled in pain, "You can run but you can not hid!" His voice echoing the hallway as I turned the corner.

I went to the nearest class room and struggled against the handle. "What the.." I muttered as I looked through the window, I saw Mal and Evie laughing as they worked together on a project. "Hey!" I shouted as I pounded the door "You guy!" They didn't budge, it was like they couldn't hear me at all.

"Oh where oh where is princess silena?" Hummed Ryder as I heard his footsteps approach.

I saw an empty janitors closet and quickly threw myself in there. I covered my mouth in fear as I let out soft cries. "Is that what princesses do now a day?" Ryder, I heard him bang his hand against a locker, "They back out of deals? I usually thought they keep there word. Princess honor code, right?" Ryder chuckled lightly.

"I gave you what you wanted, Silena." I heard a door slam, "I gave you control over that gift of yours and you stopped Malifiecent from destroying your precious kingdom" Ryder snarled, "You got what you wanted and now it's time to pay the price." He said as everything went quiet.

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